Chapter 4: The woman hidden beneath the shadows

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It was the next day, as me and Asteria were walking through the forest as the sounds of birds chirping filled my ears. Last night sure was something. I couldn't remember most of it but I do remember Asteria leading me out of the tower for some reason. Something must've happened while I was out of it for a bit. But even after I've tried to ask Asteria what happened she just won't answer me or just says she'll tell me later. It's really making me want to know what had happened at the tower that's causing her not to tell me for any reason. I'll just have to beg her to tell me later. While we were walking we came across a folded piece of paper on the floor. This really raised my suspicions about this forest since the first day I got here. It's so obvious that there's not a single being in this forest except me and Asteria. If there even was someone here, there would be a very low chance that this person came across the same path as we did. Even so, I picked up the folded piece of paper while making sure to look around in case something happened. Asteria just looked at me as she said, "I don't think you should pick up random things from the ground. We don't even know where the paper came from." She was right, I shouldn't just pick up random things off the ground without even knowing where the folded paper even came from in the first place. I then slowly put the paper back down on the ground as I quickly walk away from the folded paper that's now back on the ground. But then, the trees suddenly start rustling as if someone is there. I hear Asteria shout as I turn to see a dark figure of what looked like a woman looking at us in the trees. Though I couldn't see the woman that well. She looked pretty tall and seemed to have long hair, just like that girl in the photo I saw. The woman seemed to be slowly walking towards us as Asteria had grabbed my wrist as we stood there looking at the woman. The closer the woman got the more I could see her face. Her eyes were fully shut and seemed to have these wings on her head. I could also see some more wings on her body as well. She was wearing an elegant dress that covered her body. Her hair looked just like the girl in that picture from the book. Before I knew it two small daggers came towards me and Asterias way. Asteria quickly helped the both of us doge them. Who knew that woman had those in the first place. As another dagger came mine and Asterias' way. I pushed Asteria out of the daggers range as I took the hit. The sound of me screaming hit my ears as I looked at Asteria staring at me with fear imprinted on her face. My body slumps down onto the ground as I see Asteria grab my body. She starts to carry me as she starts to get away from the woman. As I look back I see that the woman is now nothing nearly but a shadow in the darkness of the forest. All I can hear is the sound of footsteps planting down onto the grass with each step. My eyes slowly close as I barely hold onto consciousness. As darkness slowly surrounds my eyes.

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