Chapter 1: Awakening of the Immortal Requiem

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Chapter 1: Awakening of the Immortal Requiem

"Wake up, Kaito!" The voice echoed in the foggy remnants of his dream. Kaito Yashiro groaned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, casting a gentle light through his window.

He glanced at his alarm clock. 5:30 AM. "Perfect timing, Mom," he muttered to himself, slipping out of bed.

Kaito's morning routine was always the same. A quick shower, breakfast with his parents, and then out the door for his early morning jog. Today, however, something felt different. There was an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach, a sense of foreboding that he couldn't quite shake.

As he laced up his running shoes, his mind drifted back to the accident that changed his life a year ago. He could still remember the sound of screeching tires, the impact, and the blinding pain that followed. But what stood out the most was the realization that he wasn't going to die.

The doctors were baffled. The injuries that should have been fatal healed within hours, leaving no trace of the trauma. It was then that Kaito discovered his quirk: Undead. Immortality, regeneration, and an uncanny ability to manipulate his body. It was both a blessing and a curse.

Kaito stepped outside, the cool morning air invigorating his senses. The streets were quiet, the only sounds being the rhythmic tapping of his feet against the pavement and the occasional chirp of birds. His thoughts continued to swirl around the events of the past year. He had spent countless hours training, pushing his limits, and mastering his abilities. Yet, he still felt like he was missing something.

As he rounded a corner, he spotted a familiar figure. It was Haruto, his childhood friend and a fellow student at UA High School. Haruto had always been supportive, helping Kaito understand and hone his quirk.

"Hey, Kaito!" Haruto called out, jogging to catch up. "You seem deep in thought. What's up?"

Kaito shrugged, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. "Just thinking about the past year. Sometimes it feels like I'm still coming to terms with everything."

Haruto nodded, his expression serious. "I get it. It's not every day you find out you're immortal. But hey, you've come a long way. You're one of the strongest in our class now."

Kaito managed a small smile. "Thanks, Haruto. I guess I just need to focus on the present and keep pushing forward."

They continued their jog, the conversation shifting to lighter topics. As they approached the school gates, Kaito felt a sense of normalcy return. UA High School was a place where quirks were celebrated, and every student was on a journey to become a hero.

The day passed in a blur of classes and training sessions. Kaito pushed himself hard, determined to refine his abilities. As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the campus, Kaito found himself alone in the training field, practicing his techniques.

"Parts Bullet!" he shouted, focusing his energy. His arm twisted and elongated, launching his fist at a distant target with incredible speed. It struck the target dead center, leaving a smoking hole.

Kaito nodded to himself, satisfied with the progress. He was about to call it a day when a loud explosion echoed through the campus. Instinctively, he sprinted towards the source of the noise.

He arrived at the scene to find a group of villains attacking the school. Students and teachers were fighting back, but the villains were well-prepared and powerful.

Kaito's eyes narrowed. "Not on my watch," he muttered, drawing his katana, Kurikara. The blade gleamed in the fading light, its golden highlights and black hilt giving it a menacing appearance.

He dashed into the fray, his movements a blur. "Crimson Bullet!" he yelled, focusing his regeneration on a single fingertip and firing it at a villain, piercing their defenses with ease.

As he fought, he noticed a particularly strong villain targeting a group of younger students. "Repair Boost!! Crimson Crescent Moon!" he shouted, sheathing his sword inside his forearm. Using his regeneration speed, he unleashed a quick-draw slash, cutting through the villain with precision.

The battle was fierce, but Kaito's immortality and regenerative abilities gave him an edge. He moved through the battlefield like a whirlwind, taking down villains and protecting his fellow students.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the last of the villains were subdued. The campus was a mess, but the immediate danger had passed. Kaito sheathed his sword, his body covered in wounds that were already beginning to heal.

"Kaito!" Haruto called out, running towards him. "Are you okay?"

Kaito nodded, his expression determined. "Yeah, I'm fine. But this isn't over. We need to stay vigilant."

Haruto nodded in agreement. "You're right. But you were amazing out there. We couldn't have done it without you."

Kaito smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Thanks, Haruto. Let's keep pushing forward. Together, we can handle whatever comes our way."

As they walked back towards the school, Kaito couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning. There were greater challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on. After all, he was the Immortal Requiem, and he would protect those he cared about no matter the cost.

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