Chapter 15: Hero Internships

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A New Chapter Begins:

After the intense battle with the Phantom Syndicate, the students of U.A. High were given a brief respite to recover and reflect on their experiences. However, the respite was short-lived as the announcement of the upcoming hero internships created a buzz of excitement and anticipation.

Kaito sat in his classroom, his mind still replaying the recent battle. His wounds had healed, but the weight of the responsibility he felt lingered. He was determined to become stronger, not just for himself but for his friends and the future.

"Alright, class," Aizawa-sensei said, stepping into the room. "As you know, it's time for your hero internships. This is an opportunity for you to learn from real heroes in the field. Make the most of it."

Choosing the Right Internship:

The students eagerly reviewed the list of hero agencies offering internships. Kaito scanned the list, his eyes landing on a name that stood out: Endeavor's Hero Agency. Known for its rigorous training and high expectations, it seemed like the perfect place to push his limits.

"You're thinking of choosing Endeavor, aren't you?" Todoroki said, noticing Kaito's gaze.

Kaito nodded. "I need to get stronger, and I think his agency will challenge me the most."

Todoroki smiled slightly. "It's tough, but you'll learn a lot. Just be prepared for anything."

The First Day:

Kaito's heart pounded as he stood outside Endeavor's agency. The building towered above him, a testament to the hero's power and influence. He took a deep breath and stepped inside, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

Inside, he was greeted by a stern-looking man with fiery hair and an intense gaze. "You must be Kaito," Endeavor said, his voice commanding. **"I've heard about you. Let's see if you can keep up."

Kaito bowed respectfully. "Thank you for this opportunity, sir. I'll give it my all."

Endeavor nodded, his expression unreadable. "Follow me. We'll start with a patrol to see how you handle real situations."

Learning from the Best:

As they patrolled the city, Kaito observed Endeavor closely. The hero's presence alone commanded respect and fear, and his ability to quickly assess and respond to situations was impressive.

During their patrol, they encountered a group of villains causing chaos in a busy street. Endeavor sprang into action, his flames blazing as he subdued the villains with precision and efficiency.

Kaito watched in awe, then joined the fray, using his Undead quirk to heal from any attacks and continue fighting. "Repair Boost Bloody Enchant!" he shouted, coating his blade in hardened blood and slicing through the villains' defenses.

Endeavor glanced at Kaito, a hint of approval in his eyes. "Not bad. But you need to be faster. Anticipate their moves and strike before they can react."

Pushing Beyond Limits:

The days that followed were grueling. Endeavor pushed Kaito to his limits, testing his endurance, strength, and tactical skills. Kaito found himself constantly regenerating from wounds, each time pushing his body's capabilities further.

"You have potential," Endeavor said one evening after a particularly intense training session. "But potential means nothing if you don't push beyond your limits. Remember that."

Kaito nodded, sweat dripping from his brow. "I understand. I'll keep pushing."

A Critical Moment:

One night, during a routine patrol, they encountered a particularly dangerous villain. This villain had the ability to manipulate shadows, creating clones that attacked from all directions.

"Stay sharp," Endeavor warned. "This one's tricky."

The battle was fierce, with the shadow clones constantly shifting and attacking. Kaito found himself relying heavily on his regeneration, but he knew he needed to do more.

"Repair Boost Crimson Cross!" he shouted, executing a quick-draw slash that cut through several shadow clones.

Endeavor nodded approvingly. "Good. Keep it up."

As the battle raged on, Kaito felt something shift within him. He remembered the battle with the Phantom Syndicate and the resolve he had found. Drawing on that strength, he unleashed a powerful attack.

"Blood Propulsion!" he yelled, using his blood to propel himself at high speed, slicing through the remaining clones and reaching the villain.

With a final, decisive strike, he subdued the villain. Breathing heavily, he looked to Endeavor, who gave a rare nod of approval.

"You've improved," Endeavor said. "But remember, there's always room to grow. Keep pushing your limits, Kaito."

Reflecting on Growth:

As the internship period drew to a close, Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had faced numerous challenges and had grown stronger, both physically and mentally.

"Thank you, Endeavor," Kaito said as they finished their final patrol. "I've learned a lot from this experience."

Endeavor nodded. "Good. Keep what you've learned and continue to grow. You're on the right path, Kaito."

Returning to U.A. High, Kaito felt more determined than ever. The hero internships had given him a glimpse of what it truly meant to be a hero, and he was ready to continue his journey with renewed vigor and purpose.

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