So this one is a little different, these are some doodles I made while waiting for something.
Also, it's ON PAPER??!
(And yes I know it looks horrible I had like 5 minutes or something)
Here's what was written just in case my handwriting is illegible lol: (top to bottom)
1. Green at night when he stubs his toe
2. Evil gemlin
3. When you realize your dad is a serial killer but u accidentally saved his victims and there is now 15 minutes before he comes back from work.
More translating (top to bottom again):
1. Weeeee- I kill children~
2. ded
3. help I'm a shy boi :(
4. I'm a scary dino with a sweet tooth and anger problems.
5. I wish I could drink alcohol. (lol poor guy has no mouth)
Random Arts :D
RandomJust a book for random little art ideas I have. If this book is under a specific tag, then I do have art of that category inside, you might just have to find it.