chapter 3

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The mom makes Nilly go to sleep just so the baby sitter can come in peace. "Yeah Nilly has been so odd lately." Said the mom. "Oh okay." Said the baby sitter. "Please take care of her I have to go bye." Said the mom in a rush. "Bye." Said the baby sitter, it wasn't the same baby sitter though.

She relaxed while Nilly was still sleeping. "This kid is going easy on me that's a good thing." Said the baby sitter in here mind. Nilly woke up and the moment she sees the baby sitter she got scared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Nilly screamed.

"Dude calm down what do you need?" Said the baby sitter, Nilly pulls out a knife. "Hey where did you get that from this is dangerous." Said the baby sitter, instead of eating it Nilly decided to cut the baby sitter in her hand. "YES I CUT HER!" Said Nilly. "So you know what you doing huh? Well don't that again or else I'll call your mom. "Said the baby sitter.

Nilly once again cuts the baby sitter. "You think this is funny huh? Well I show you something funny. I'm spanking you're ass for this one then I'm calling you mom for what you did you're probably happy too. Said the baby sitter.

The baby sitter tried to spank Nilly but she keeps running away with an evil grend on her face she gets a gun and tries to shoot the baby sitter but she keeps on failing she keeps on doing so until The baby sitter snapped the gun and knife off Nilly's hands and hit Nilly as a punishment.

Nilly still doesn't give a so she gets more knifes and cuts herself in the eye to make it look like the baby sitter cut her. It was like this all day and the mom sees everything. "YOU CUT HER WITH A KNIFE!?" The mom yells Nilly gets grounded for a week while Nilly started to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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