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"THAT ONE LOOKS like a bird," Valaena pointed her outstretched finger at the sky as her back stretched across the familiar patch of grass underneath the weeping tree.

"No," Rhaenrya shook her head with a smile as she followed her cousin's pointed finger to the same odd-shaped cloud she was looking at. "It is a bunny."

"A bunny?" Valaena scrunched her face, her hand falling to the side as she tilted her head sideways to analyze the white fluff hanging over them. "I don't see it. It's definitely a bird."

Rhaenyra released a laugh as the two lay side by side in their familiar garden, a place where Valaena liked to escape when her father spoke about dragons and the Targaryen dynasty. It only served to remind her that she was an outsider, not born and raised like the rest of her kin. Her cousin was different. Perhaps it was the motherly side of Rhaenyra, but she knew how to take the young girl's mind off what was bothering her.

The silent moment was broken as Valaena's stomach let out a much unladylike grumble, no doubt because she had yet to eat anything that day.

"I think that's a sign we've been out here long enough," Rhaenrya chuckled as Valaena felt her face turn a beet red. "Why don't you have some of the servants bring food back to your chambers. I think we've been out in the sun enough today."

Valaena couldn't protest as her stomach let out another grumble, dashing any hope of convincing Rhaenrya to stay out longer.

"I suppose some food does sound nice," Valaena replied sheepishly as the two stood back onto their feet.

With one more reluctant goodbye, Valaena found herself wandering through the Red Keep corridors on her way back to her room. Her personal bodyguard, a young knight by the name Ser Donnel, followed closely behind as he ensured the young lady returned to her quarters safely. It was eerie, having someone following her everywhere she went, but her father had insisted without any room for negotiation.

Valaena picked up her pace, unsurprised the young knight followed suit. It seemed an unspoken rule that knights remain no more than six paces away, and Ser Donnel was intent on upholding that particular rule. No doubt in fear of what Daemon Targaryen would do if he ever broke it.

In her rush, Valaena wasn't looking as she turned the corner, releasing a surprised grunt as she bumped into another body. She watched as the boy she rammed into stumbled back, barely regaining his footing as she took in his striking white hair and purple eyes that snapped up to meet hers. He was almost a head shorter than her despite being the same age as Valaena felt herself towering over her cousin she had yet to meet.

"Are you alright?" Valaena leaned down in concern, watching as the boy's face flush red in embarrassment as he muttered out a quick, "I'm fine."

"I don't think we've met, Prince Aemond," Valaena addressed him by his formal title, unsure how the boy felt about her yet. She only knew what his mother thought of her from the distasteful glances sent her way, and was unsure whether her son had picked up on them as well. "I'm Valaena."

"You're Daemon's bastard?" the boy blurted out, seeming to realize how rude that sounded as he quickly tried to stammer out an apology as Valaena shifted uncomfortably. While knowing it was true, she also knew being called a bastard was considered an insult to high-born nobles no matter how legitimized they were.

The awkward encounter was interrupted by the loud grumble of Valaena's stomach, prompting an awkward chuckle from the young girl.

"I'm afraid I'm a tad hungry," Valaena mumbled as she rubbed her arms in an effort to calm the nervousness she was feeling. "I should-"

"Here," Aemond reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny, red apple that he held out to her. "You can have it."

"Oh," Valaena paused, startled by the nice gesture. It was so unlike what she had grown up with, but she tried to hide her weariness as she took the apple from his hand. "Thank you, Prince Aemond."

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