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VALAENA CLUNG TO the fabric of Daemon's shirt, her knuckles turning a deadly white as she pressed herself against his leg. His hand rested on her back as he guided her further along the dark tunnels lit by the torches against the stone walls. A loud screech echoed down the tunnel, making her heart skip a beat.

"Caraxes won't hurt you," Daemon told his daughter with an amused chuckle, missing the way Valaena trembled as they neared their intended destination. "Come, you'll see."

As they rounded a corner, the tunnel opened into a vast cavern. Valaena felt her breath catch in her throat when she caught sight of the beast, the red scales shimmering against the light of the torches as its long neck stretched across the opening. Its eyes glowed a fierce amber as it caught sight of the newcomers, eyes narrowing at the pair as Daemon approached with Valaena in his grasp.

"This is Caraxes," Daemon smiled as the dragon reached its long neck forward for his rider to reach. "I claimed him when I was a young lad."

Caraxes let out a low rumble, nostrils flaring at the mention of his name. Valaena's grip tightened even further, her feet stuck to the ground in fear as Daemon took a step forward without her, reaching up to caress the side of his dragon's head.

As the dragon's head moved closer, the warm breath washing over them and his amber eyes narrowing in on Valaena, she could see everything one should fear of a dragon. The sharp teeth, the ridged horns, and the subtle intelligence that seemed to hide behind his eyes. Not to mention the sheer size and presence of the dragon was overwhelming as he towered over Valaena.

What sent her over the edge, was as the dragon pulled back for only a moment before releasing a loud roar that echoed against the stone walls. Valaena released a scream as she tore herself away from her father, heart pounding in her chest as she dashed back down the tunnel with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Valaena," Daemon called after her, but his voice was nothing but an echo in the distance as Valaena ran as fast as she could from the terrifying creature.

Any thought of having her only dragon died that very moment, the very thought sent a new wave of fear through Valaena as she dashed through the castle walls. Servants and knights dodged out of her path as she burst into her room slightly out of breath. Her feet brought her in front of the burning hearth, where her own dragon egg lay as it waited to hatch.

Valaena didn't think twice as she grabbed the egg from its spot, making a dash back out in the corridors as she wondered how to get rid of the awful thing. She hurried through the Red Keep, thoughts racing as she turned the corner and found exactly what she needed.

"Aemond!" Valaena's voice stopped the boy in his path, a confused look etched on his face as he caught sight of his cousin rushing at him with an egg in her arms.

"You want a dragon, don't you?" Valaena rushed out, still struggling to catch her breath as she felt as though the egg's weight was growing heavier with each passing second.

Aemond hesitated, unsure if she was being nice or teasing her like his brother often did. It didn't matter as Valaena didn't give him much time to respond, already knowing from the servant gossip that he did.

"You can have mine," Valaena held the egg out like a disease, wanting nothing more than to rid herself of it.

Aemond blinked in surprise, his brow furrowing as he looked between Valaena and the egg. He was trying not to become too hopeful, wondering if it was another sick joke for not being able to have a dragon.

"Really?" he asked, skepticism evident in his voice.

Valaena nodded, her eyes wide and desperate as she held the egg out for him to grab.

"Yes, take it," she begged. "I don't want it."

Aegon started to reach for it before pulling back.

"But... why?" he questioned, wondering why anyone would give up a dragon egg. It was all he ever dreamed about, and here his cousin was throwing it away like it was nothing.

"I don't want it," Valaena told him. "I don't want a dragon. Now take it or I'll find somewhere else to throw it out."

"No!" Aemond exclaimed as he snatched the egg from her hands. The moment his hands made contact with the surface, he released a yell as the egg dropped from his grip. It hit the stone floor with a dull thud as Aemond held his hands tightly to his chest.

"What happened?" Valaena rushed forward in concern, egg forgotten as she reached out and grabbed his hands. His hands were a bright red, like his palms had been burned.

"It's burning hot," Aemond yanked his hands back as Valaena made contact with his skin, a hiss escaping his lips.

"Hot?" Valaena furrowed her eyebrows as she cast her eyes down to the egg between their feet. Strange, it hadn't been hot when she carried it through the corridor.

The thought was pushed to the back of her mind as she reached up and unclipped her cloak from around her shoulders. She wrapped the cloak around the egg, bundling it up as she held it out to Aemond. His hands didn't seem to be bothering him quite as much as he took the egg from her, a wide smile on his face as he thought about the idea of having his very own dragon.

"Thank you," Aemond told her, his wide eyes glancing up to meet her own. It only served to make Valaena uncomfortable.

She didn't deserve any thanks. She felt like a fraud, an outsider to a family that was blood but nothing more.

Valaena remained silent as she left Aemond to celebrate his new egg alone, finding her way back to her empty room. She released a relieved sigh as she plopped onto her bed, the light setting beyond the window as she rolled onto her side.

Daemon came to her room later that night, entering the room as he found her lying in the bed. They made eye contact, but no words were uttered as the doors shut behind him. He took one glance from the empty fireplace to where Valaena lay in bed, but didn't say anything as he sat down at the table with a soft hum.

He didn't need to say anything, Valaena could see it written all over his face. She was a disappointment, nothing like her blood ancestors and her very own father.

Valaena pulled the covers up over her face, hoping to hide from the failure she had become in only one day. Her worst fears had seemed to come true. She was a bastard, not a true Targaryen.

Her father's silence said it all.

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