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Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan except the plot
Jason's POV
Me and Piper were sitting on the roof of a random house I had flown us up to and we were snuggling, looking at the clouds drifting off in the sky. I heard several pairs of footsteps coming from beneath us. Probably the mortals that own this place I thought warily. Piper suddenly asks "Jason, you do know the owner of this house right?" I start tripping over my words "Ummmm....well you k-know....I th-thought this would be n-nice not really considering the m-mortals that live h-here...?" The footsteps seemed to increase in volume "Jason, Piper says, get us out of here, quick!" "Ok,ok" I say hurriedly wrapping my arms around her waist starting to float, but too late, a group of mortals, probably tourists, burst out of a staircase leading up to the roof.
"WOW" one of them says
"Jason! Piper screams, GET US OUTTTTT!" I fly out with a burst of speed but they had already taken photos. I don't get it, wasn't the mist supposed to cover this kind of stuff? Oh no...the mortals also had phones! And he was a child of Zeus! They had to go...he thought, but it turns out someone did not want him to be pondering too long become soon a bright light swallowed them whole.

Piper's POV
Me and Jason were on top of a roof he had flew us on, we were staring at the sky. 'All of this is Jason's territory' I thought, well, technically Zeus's but thinking of Zeus made me think of the gods, and thinking of the gods made me think of mom, Aphrodite, and thinking of Aphrodite made me think of-well you get it. I suddenly hear footsteps coming from underneath us. "Jason, I ask, you do know the owner of this house, right?" A little concerned by the mortal who might have a heart attack seeing some random teens on his/her/their roof. He started tripping over his words and that was answer enough for me. "Jason, I say as the footsteps got louder, get us out of here, quick!" "Ok,ok" he says grabbing me by the waist, causing me to blush, and starting to float, but too late. A group of mortals come though and freeze in their steps. They stare at Jason and start yelling things and tacking pictures. "Jason, I screamed, GET US OUT!" He flew off, full speed but the mortals had seen him fly...what about the mist? I didn't even have time to think about the monsters the phones might attract before a blinding light envelopes us.

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