I guess it's quest 3 now...hey, that rhymes!

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So so sorry for not writing in a while,I was busy and...yeah. I also haven't read PJO book 3 in a while. So, again, feel free to correct and add on because I'm sure I probably forgot some parts. Thanks!
DISCLAMER: I don't own PJO or HoO
Nobody's POV
"Okay, says Percy, so I guess it's quest 3 now...hey, that rhymes!" He exclaims

"Seaweed Brain, says Annabeth as she turns around in his lap where she had been seated to look him in the eyes, it technically doesn't rhyme because quest ends in 'est' and guess ends in 'ess' so if you pronounce the syllables clearly it doesn't rhyme." Percy pouted and mumbled something about 'Wise girl' and 'smartypants'. Annabeth rolled her eyes and kissed him which seemed to brighten his mood.

"So..." said one of the campers

"Yes right sorry, says Annabeth, so quest three...um...Percy, can you start, since...you know..."Percy nods his head and says 'yeah, sure'. He knew that during that time, at least not at the start but later on, Annabeth had been captured to hold the sky.

"Okay, says Percy, so it started when me, Annabeth and Thalia had been called by Grover to go to Westover hall because Grover said there was a strong sent and we had to sort of investigate, I guess you could call it that, on these 2 children who had an especially strong scent. (Pls correct if I'm wrong) So we got there after a car ride full of embarrassing stories courtesy of my mom, and we went to meet Grover. We found him and ran into the principal and another person, who were asking who we were, when Thalia snapped her fingers and muttered words under her breath, while a breeze ruffled the curtains who had been hung up for decoration, because there was a dance going on. Thalia, as you had probably already guessed, was controlling the mist. So they let us pass, but the man next to the principal, Mr. Thorn, (I think) still looked suspicious. To blend in, we danced along with all the other students-"
Annabeth cut Percy off and said:

"Correction, Grover was dancing with Thalia and this Seaweed Brain here was just standing in the middle of the room asking who he should dance with."

"He didn't really!" exclaimed Piper, horrorstruck. Annabeth just nodded her head sadly as if it really was horrible and Percy blushed bright red as he attempted to hide behind Jason who just pushed him away smirking.

"Anyway, said Percy changing the subject, so we saw these two kids in a corner who fit the description, one had black hair and was blabbing about a game called 'myth-o-magic' to a girl who looked slightly older and had dark hair as well, but not as black as the former. *Annabeth looks around to see if it was really Percy who had used words such as 'former' and, finding it was Percy, raised an eyebrow at him as he grinned*. We got separated, continues Percy, and I saw Dr. Thorn take away the kids and I had no time to get the others so I followed them and Dr.Thorn turned out to be a monster, but as I attempted to kill him, he just defeated me and carried me along with the others. The people we were supposed to take to camp were named Bianca and Nico Di Angelo. *at this point Nico has tears streaming slowly down his cheeks and Percy is looking at his feet while explaining the story.* As he was about to get us into a helicopter to join the voice in T-Tartarus...Kronos, the Grover, Thalia and Annabeth appeared since I had been trying to reach Grover through the empathy link and we were loosing badly, but at the last moment Annabeth took him down, falling into the cliff as well as silver arrows whizzed past our ears, signaling the hunters. They came and let us stay with them the night" Percy took breath, he didn't especially want to relive all those memories but Annabeth couldn't tell the rest since she had been there with him, holding the sky.

"Okay, says Percy ready to continue the explaining of the quest, we had slept the night at the hunters campsite with Artemis who had also been there, Artemis had called on Apollo who had come down in his sun chariot to give the hunters and us a ride to camp half-blood, where they would be staying while Artemis said she had something to take care of. Thalia, by the way, didn't like the hunters and at the time thought they were super annoying and she had said, looking at Apollo, 'he is hot' to which Percy said, 'he's the sun god...' (I know those probably aren't the real quotes but bear with me here...). We played capture the flag and when the game was over, we had lost and the hunters won. Then Thalia and me started fighting because Thalia blamed me for loosing against the hunters, which is totally in the past, Percy says looking at Thalia, *campers murmur and look at each other as if saying 'two big three kids fighting? Not good...'*, so Thalia strikes me with a lightning bolt, and I am about to drench Thalia with all the water in the river, when we see the Oracle coming *cue gasps and murmurs like 'impossible...' and 'but the Oracle never comes down...' *. She recites a prophecy that goes like this:

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand
I know, it's a long prophecy (okay just pretend Percy explains the rest of the story with Annabeth and stuff because I really forgot and yeah...) *insert rest of the quest story* (now that rhymes)." Everyone looks amazed, I mean, how could you not? They had just tricked a titan and survived all of the other stuff.

"So, Annabeth says finally, we will say our fourth quest tommorow." Chiron looks at us, clearly dumbfound by the fact we have so many quests.

"Next quest?!" He asks

"Er...yeah..." says Percy still shaken up and eyes watery because of having to relive the death of Bianca and Zoe, but about to burst out laughing at the joke 'dam' that Thalia had helped him explain to the others, as Chiron just shakes his head confused.

"Okay guys goodnight, says Grover, I'm tired frankly and I'm sure we all are, see you tomorrow." Nods all around as everyone went to their respective cabins.

Sorry guys that chapter really was pretty bad, I'll try to make the next better...also sorry it took so long to write it I'll try to update more often. Thank you and don't forget to vote and comment!

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