Quest 5....yes, I know this one is the war one...and nightmares

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Sorry for not updating in a while! I had summer camp and lots of other stuff to do so I didn't have time....again, soooo sry...Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO...This chapter with have some flashbacks to Tartarus so if you don't like those, skip the first part, I will mark where you can start if you don't want to red about the flashback. Enjoy!
Percy's POV
We had run around camp all day, but we didn't say a quest tonight, we're all to tired...I haven't gotten a nightmare in a while, which is more concerning than if I had had them, because that means something very bad will happen soon...I just hope for a peaceful sleep tonight. I fell asleep immediately........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and was instantly transported in my dream to Tartarus.

I was standing at the cliff again, re-feeling all the pain, Annabeth blind, not able to see me or hear me.

"Percy!" She yelled "Percy where are you! Don't leave me!" It was horrible to see her like this

"I'm right here!" I yell back, but she can't hear me. Tears stream down my face and I yell as excruciating pain takes over my body, as if twisting it inside out. Annabeth still yelling my name as Silena comes up and says

"You could have saved me" Next is Charles

"You could have stayed on that boat! You abandoned me!" Luke comes up

"You shouldn't have let me kill myself! You could have helped!" Bianca is next

"You betrayed me. You let Nico down. You let me die. Your a monster! A MONSTER!" she screams as I collapse in tears in front of Annabeth's  now dead body, limp in my arms. I hear something faint, saying

"Percy! Percy wake up!" It's so faints far...I just want to give up........................................................................
I suddenly jolt up in bed, sweat covering my body, Annabeth at the edge of the bed, shaking me and crying in relief, Chiron watching me worriedly as P.Annabeth and P.Percy watch us with most of the camp crowded in the cabin.

"Sorry..." I say, wiping tears and sitting up "did I wake everyone up..."

"Yeah but it's fine Kelp head, you ok?" Says my cousin Thalia, worry clear in her eyes as the rest of the futurs circle me and tell everyone else to go back to bed.

"You we're out for a longgg time" says Leo "You had us worried man, Annabeth has been trying to wake you up for a while before you came back."

"Yeah, do you need anything? A glass of water?" Says Will, being a doctor/healer.

"A glass of water would be great." I say. Jason says 'I'll go get it' and he comes back a second later with a big glass of water. I pour half on my head, a little of my strength returned and drink the other half, putting the glass on my nightstand.

"You guys can go back to bed, I'll be fine, really" I say as they make sure that I'm alright and slowly file out of the cabin. I sigh.

"Was it there?" Asks Annabeth knowingly. I nod my head and wrap my arms around her. She quickly falls back asleep in my arms but I don't go back to sleep, afraid of what awaits me if I do, so I just lie in bed, looking at Annabeth until morning. When sunlight comes through the windows, I shake Annie gently on the shoulder and she wakes and looks at me questioningly as I stare.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing" I say "just wondering how I got such a beautiful soon to be wife." She rolls her eyes and sits up in bed, as she yawns and rubs her eyes. She looks back at me.

"You didn't go back to sleep, did you." She says, looking at the prominent bags under my eyes

"Nope" I say cheerfully as I drag myself out of bed and put on a only slightly ripped camp shirt and a pair Bermuda sea green shorts that matched my eyes as Annabeth also put on a camp shirt and a pair of grey jean shorts. The horn soon blows signaling its time for breakfast...and to talk about the first war.

————————————————-if you don't want to read about the flashback to Tartarus, start here————————————————
Annabeth's POV
We made our way up the the pavilion for breakfast. I was worried about Percy...the lack of sleep he's been getting, the nightmares we've both been's hard. I sit down at the Poseidon table with Percy and he eats blue waffles with a mass of syrup and blue cherry coke while I have plain waffles and coffee.

"Seriously Seaweed Brain?" I say "Coke for breakfast?"

"Blue Coke" he corrects me, "the fact that it's blue is the most important part!" I roll my eyes at his stubbornness and whisper 'Seaweed Brain' under my breath.

"I heard that!" He said. "Hey, I was thinking Wise Girl " he continues, "maybe later we could train a bit together?"

"Yeah of course Seaweed Brain!" I exclaim, exited to get back on track with training, and also, it was always good practice to spar with Seaweed Brain. When we all finished breakfast, Chiron said we should start our 5th quest. Me and Percy agreed and stood up. 'I'll start' I say to Percy who nods.

"So, I say, Rachel and me and Percy had come back successful from our 4rth quest, and Rachel tried and succeeded becoming the new Oracle. *cue gasps* So Luke, basically she did what your mom did, except it worked for her. Rachel said a prophecy, a big prophecy, a great prophecy. *cue more gasps*. It went like this:

A half-blood of the eldest gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

And see the world in endless sleep

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days

Olympus to preserve or raze
I'll give you guys a basic run down of the story, the half blood of the eldest gods was Percy, he reached sixteen, against all odds, because usually demigods, especially of the big three, don't last very long because of monsters.  We all saw the world in endless sleep when Morpheus put the whole city of New York (or was it Manhattan? I'm pretty sure it was Manhattan...sry, my geography sucks.) to sleep, which caused a huge commotion, as you can imagine. For some reason, the mortals found out they couldn't get into New York  'I wonder why' . The cursed blade was my dagger, and the line 'a single choice shall end his days' that was Luke, gaining control from Kronos for a second, long enough for Percy, who had been disarmed, to chose to pass him my dagger, so he could stab himself in his Achilles's Heal. (Kronos had forced Luke to dip in the Styx). 'Olympus to preserve or to raise'. That was Luke's decision, kill himself for the greater good for all of us, instead of continue inhabiting Kronos's body, which would most likely destroy Olympus. In the end, thanks to Luke's decision, we won. But it couldn't have been without Nico convincing Hades to join, and Percy convincing Poseidon to leave Atlantis and join. Er, I guess I just said that in one go. Well, that's enough drama for the morning, am I right?" Nods pass around, especially Percy, who was nodding his head furiously, making his hair even more messy.

Okay well now it's 1:00 am in the morning and I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go to sleep. Hope you enjoyed it and I'll update soon! Now, about the questions...FIRST ONE TO ANSWER THEM ALL CORRECTLY GETS A SHOUTOUT AND A FOLLOW!
(1 What is Percy's favorite color?
(2 What does Leo make to eat when him Jason and Piper are in the sewers in book one of Heroes of Olympus?
(3 List all of the PJO books, in order.
(4 List all of the HoO books, in order.
(5 name the seven's parents (and add who Frank is descended from) in the following order: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel and Leo.
I'll update asap! Bye guys and pls don't forget to Vote+Comment! It means a lot to me if you do. Okay, you know what? I'm not updating till the questions are answered! So answer quick! Byeee

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