A Child Is born (1)

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Wilburs pov~

I was in the middle of some paperwork for l'manburg when suddenly I hear my wife, Sally yell my name. I run downstairs to see if she's ok.

"is everything alright?" I ask running up too her

"N-no. I-its happening." she says. 

I knew exactly what she meant and I called the hospital. I stayed with her in the ambulance but one we got there I waited in the living room and called my dad, Phil. He immediately came to the hospital to wait with me and after about a hour or so a doctor came out and said he had news.

"what's the news?" I say

"the baby is healthy. but.." he says

"but what " I ask afraid of what he would say next.

"but, the mother didn't make it. I'm sorry" he says with sorrow in his eyes

I sit down trying to wrap my head around everything, I was going to be a 26 year old single father, who had to run a country as well. Phil promised to help raise her, and for that I was greatfull. The doctor then  led me into the room where I then held my child for the first time. It was then I realized I hadn't had a name yet, but I looked at my baby once more and knew. Her name will be Chloe. I smiled at the name. I had missed Sally already but knew I had to carry on, for Chloe.

word count: 245

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