the library (3)

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*4 year time skip she's ten* Chloe's pov~

dream is almost never home since he's always out "supervising" Tommy, and i was getting lonely. I was allowed to go to kinoko kingdom and the dream smp. Dream didn't want me anywhere else. so I walked to kinoko kingdom but on my way I stopped to see someone they looked just as lonely as me so I walked up to say hello

"hi" I say politly 

"oh hi!" he says in an echo type voice

"I'm Chloe what's your name?" I say trying to make some friends

"I'm ghostbur. here have some blue" he says

"thanks! why is your voice have an echo?" I ask very confused 

"I'm a ghost!" ghostbur says

"oh. that's cool!" I say 

"you wanna come to my library with me?" he asks

"if its in dream smp or kinoko kingdom then sure!" I say

" its in between l'manburg and dream smp" he says

we headed to his library and I grabbed a book called " my l'manburg"

"what's this one" I ask ghostbur

"oh that's about l'manburg! it has the original anthem lyrics in it to!" ghostbur says

"is it ok if I can borrow it. I have books on all the other land but not l'manburg"

"you know what? you can keep it. and here take this." he says handing me the book and an old flag

"thank you ghostbur!" I say

"no problem!" he says 

I decided to go home because dream would be home soon. Once I got there I hid my book and flag and cleaned the whole house because I knew if I didn't dream would be mad.

                A/N HOW YALL LIKE THE CHAPTER???? some tw is coming next chapter.

word count : 278

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