Chapter 4

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The house settled into an uneasy quiet as Fred, Velma, Daphne, Eustace, and Muriel drifted back to sleep, their earlier fright seemingly forgotten in the haze of exhaustion. Shaggy, Scooby, and Courage, however, lay wide awake, their eyes darting around nervously. The memory of the Faceless Ghoul loomed large in their minds, refusing to let them rest.

"L-Like, I can't believe everyone's asleep after what we saw!" Shaggy whispered, clutching his thin blanket tighter around himself.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed, his eyes wide with fear. "Rey ron't understand."

Courage, equally terrified, paced back and forth. Suddenly, the same eerie voice echoed through the house once more, sending chills down their spines.

"Get out... now..."

Their hearts pounded as a thick fog began to seep into the rooms where Fred, Velma, Daphne, Eustace, and Muriel slept. The mist swirled around them, lifting them gently into the air. Despite the strange occurrence, they remained in a deep slumber, completely unaware of what was happening. The fog, with its ghostly tendrils, carried them out of their beds and floated them through the house, heading toward the door.

Courage's eyes widened in horror as he watched this unfold. With a panicked yelp, he bolted to the kitchen, where Shaggy and Scooby were huddled together, their nerves on edge. He grabbed Shaggy's pajama leg and began tugging frantically, trying to get their attention.

"Rrruff! Rrruff!" Courage barked, his eyes pleading.

"Like, what is it, little guy?" Shaggy asked, trying to make sense of Courage's frantic behavior.

Scooby leaned down, attempting to understand Courage's frantic gestures, but even he struggled to decipher the panicked dog's message. "Ruh? Rean... rainted?"

Courage continued to pull and yelp, finally managing to convey his urgency. Shaggy and Scooby's eyes widened in realization.

"Like, the others are in trouble!" Shaggy exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "Come on, Scoob!"

The three hurried to the door and cautiously peeked outside. The sight that met their eyes was nothing short of terrifying. The fog was thicker than ever, swirling ominously around the Faceless Ghoul. Their friends and the Bagges floated helplessly in the air, surrounded by the eerie mist.

"Zoinks!" Shaggy cried, his hair standing on end. "Like, this is worse than I thought!"

Scooby, mustering his courage, stepped forward and shouted, "R-let them go!"

The Faceless Ghoul turned its blank visage towards them, pausing for a moment before releasing its hold on the others. Fred, Velma, Daphne, Eustace, and Muriel gently floated to the ground, still asleep but unharmed. The ghoul, however, now focused its attention on Shaggy, Scooby, and Courage, its faceless form exuding a menacing aura.

"Ruh-oh," Scooby muttered, backing up a step.

With a sudden burst of movement, the ghoul lunged at them, its misty form gliding swiftly over the ground. The three friends screamed in unison and took off running, their feet barely touching the floor as they raced through the house. A chase song played in the background, adding a bizarrely cheerful note to their frantic escape.

They darted through rooms, dodging furniture and leaping over obstacles in their path. In a desperate attempt to outwit the ghoul, Shaggy and Scooby grabbed a couple of chairs and motioned for the ghoul to sit down. Courage, his ears pulled back in confusion, gave them a look that clearly said, "What the heck are they doing???"

"Like, have a seat, Mr. Ghoul!" Shaggy said, forcing a smile.

Scooby quickly drew a smiley face on a piece of paper and held it up in front of the ghoul. For a brief moment, it seemed to pause, as if considering their strange request. But then, with a mournful wail, it swiped at the paper, wiping away the smiley face.

"Ruh-oh," Scooby said, gulping.

The ghoul let out another eerie moan and lunged again, forcing them to continue their desperate flight. They dashed outside, the ghoul hot on their heels. As they ran past the Mystery Machine, Shaggy tripped a hidden lever, activating one of Fred's security traps. A net shot out, ensnaring the ghoul and bringing it to a sudden halt.

The fog began to dissipate, and the air grew clear. Fred, Velma, Daphne, Eustace, and Muriel woke up, groggy but unharmed, and slowly made their way outside.

"Well, I'll be," Fred said, looking at the captured ghoul. "Looks like Shaggy and Scooby solved the mystery on their own."

"Like, there was no actual mystery," Shaggy said, still catching his breath. "But thanks, Fred."

Velma approached the ghoul, curiosity piqued. "Let's see who's behind this mask," she said, reaching for what she assumed was a disguise.

As she tugged at the ghoul's head, it let out a haunting cry. "Ow..."

Velma jumped back, her eyes wide with shock. "It's... it's real?"

The gang stared in disbelief, realizing that they had just encountered a genuine supernatural entity. The Faceless Ghoul's mournful wail echoed in the night, a chilling reminder that not all mysteries can be neatly solved.

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