Weird image of a dress part 1

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The next few days we're absolutely torture.

I could only hang out with Aphrodite kids, and I had to clean.. all day.

I still couldn't even talk to Percy or Annabeth, once in a whole Annabeth would try to talk to me, but I would always walk away.

I felt rude, but I  had no other choice, especially with Tantalus around.

Tantalus absolutely hated me, I jasnt even 100% sure why, yeah, I may have two godly parents, but that doesn't define a person.

Tantalus isn't even allowing me to participate in the chariot race.

I can't even watch it, I have to be cleaning, like usual.

The Aphrodite kids tried to get me a makeover, but I refused.

They managed to get some makeup on me, but it was gone by the next day.

I was starting to get bullied around camp.

They would call me "Maid," or something like that. One time, I was called a disappointed to Aphrodite, like, go back to the Hephestus cabin dude.

That night, I went to bed (obviously), but tonight was odd.

I still hadn't had a nightmare yet, like demigods are supposed to have, I just didn't.

But tonight, I saw a glimpse of something.

Last summer, I'd told Grover about me not having any nightmares yet and how it scared me. He gave us an empathy link to see if I'd help, I mean, he did the same thing with Percy, so..

But I saw a glimpse of a dress, like a wedding dress.

Who would be wearing a wedding dress.

I woke up the next morning.

I didn't repeat what I'd usually say when I woke up, 'again, no nightmares.' I didn't know what I saw.

I knew I needed to talk to Annabeth or Percy about it, but how? I can't talk to them. Heck, I can't even look at them pretty much.

I got up and went to the Big House to see where I had to clean today, pissed me off.

Then Tantalus came and said, "No."

I gave him a confused look.

"No cleaning today, you can talk to your friends, just today, though, but no going in cabin 3."

I toom no time in speed walking out of the building, I had to go find Percy or Annabeth.

I found Annabeth first.

"Hey," I said.

"Why did you ignore me a few days ago," She asked, seeming annoyed.

"Look, im sorry, tantalus was forcing me to clean, I couldn't talk to anyone other than Aphrodite kids, I wasn't allowed to talk to you guys, for some reason Tantalus let me not clean today so yeah," I explained to her.

"So her just let you for a day," she asked, still seeming annoyed.

"I didn't get it either, but listen, something weird happened to me last night."

"Doesn't that happen to every demigod."

"Ikau, listen, I never told you this, but I've never had a nightmare before, never."


"I don't get it either, okay, but last night I sww something during my sleep, some sort of dress, I dont know."

"Just someone in a dress?"

"Yeah, I don't know what it was."

"Do you have a link with anyone."

"Last summer, I told Grover, and he gave us an empathy link."

"So then it's possibly Grover, Percy has the empathy link with Grover, so you should go talk to him."

"Wanna come with me?"

"No," she said quickly.

"Okay." I went to go find Percy.


Word count: 595

I just got lazy, and I'm putting it in two parts.

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