o1| canteen food sucks

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I really wish I had woken up earlier so I could've asked my mum to give me lunch money. Now I have to eat the disgusting mixture of unknown substances, also known as the canteen food from my high school.

"I bet there's a dead person's organ hidden somewhere in that meat." I say to my one and only best friend Tara as she took a bite of the so called ''friend chicken". That's bullshit.

She widened her eyes and quickly spit out all of it, making disgusted sounds and cleaning around her mouth with a small napkin.

"Why the hell would you say that?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows at the sigh of the spitted food. "Now I can't even look at the food anymore, I'll be hungry all day." She mumbled and I chuckled.

"You know I'm right." I said and she rolled her eyes. After that, she got up with her tray, probably to take it to the trash, exactly when a tall guy passed near our table. Let's just say that his nice, tall quiff was now decorated with meat sauce and smashed potatoes.

I started laughing like a maniac till' my eyes started watering and probably looked like I couldn't breath, while she stood there frozen, with her mouth agape and face pale as a ghost.

"Holy shit, I-I'm so sorry, I um.. I'll buy you a new shirt a-and um.. I'll wash you! Oh god, that came out wrong, I-" she started rambling just as he did.

"Oh god, It's my fault, now you won't have a-anything to eat, um.. I-I'll buy you lunch if you want, oh my god, I'm so, so sorry" he said and I raised my eyebrow. This kid is too nice for his own sake, it's weird.

"No, no, no, it is totally my fault, I bumped into you, I'm such an idiot." Tara said, literally face-palming.

"Don't be silly, I should've been more careful, I-I wasn't watching where I was going and.. ugh, I'm sorry." He said and before Tara began to ramble again, I cut her off.

"Come on, kiss already." I said, earning a chuckle from an unknown voice. I turned around just to lock gazes with a pair of beautiful green eyes. This boy was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, his eyes matching his bright green hair. I probably stared at him for quite a long time because now he started blushing and looking in another direction. I widened my eyes and quickly started focusing on the oh, so tragic incident that my best friend had previously caused. I think my remark was heard because now neither of them were talking, only looking everywhere but at each other. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the blonde boy who was just standing awkwardly with freaking meat sauce in his hair and doing absolutely nothing.

"You're an idiot." I said to Tara as I grabbed the boy's arm and started dragging him out of the lunch room. I think I took him by surprise because he gasped and almost tripped three times because of his freakishly long limbs. I took him into the boys bathroom, giving dirty looks to any other male that was in there, all of them rushing out instantly.

"And you're an idiot too." I said and I gestured for him to go near the little sinks.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Gee, thanks. I'm Luke by the way." He said as I turned on the warm water.

"I'm Sam, now put your head in the sink."

He smirked at me and said. "Kinda controlling, aren't we? But it's okay, I like it." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Nah, don't worry, you're not my type anyway." He said as I started to wash as much of the disgusting food out of hair as I could.

"And what's your type, girls from the pages of the magazines? Because that's all that you're gonna get." I said, making him go into a fit of laughter.

"I really like you." He said in between laughs.

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh really? Because from what I could gather from the stuttering and the awkward rambles from the lunch room, I could've swore you liked my best friend." I said and his smirk faded. He rolled his eyes and put the devilish smirk back on after a few moments.

"Yeah, like I didn't see you staring at my best friend." He said and I started blushing and rambling.

"Phsst.. what? I-I wasn't staring, it's just that his hair caught my attention a-and-"

"And his beautiful green and also the fact that he's the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen." He mocked me with his poor imitation of my voice, making me go visibly pale.

"I-I sa-"

"Yeah, you said that out loud, but I think that only I heard it, since Michael was busy staring at you." He cut me off, making it easy to breath again.

"Oh god, I'm such an embarrasment." I said and he put out his pinky finger in front of me.

"It's okay, and as long you promise not to tell your best friend of my small crush, I promise not to tell my best friend about what you said." He said, making me snort.

"Yeah sure, small crush.." I mocked him, making him glare at me. I then coughed and nodded. "Okay, okay, my lips are sealed." I said, but he wasn't having any of it, because he shoved his pinky finger in my face again.

"Nu-uh, give my your pinky."

I rolled my eyes, but raised my pinky finger and locked it with his long one. "You happy now?" I asked and he nodded happily. After that, he just rushed out of the bathroom, with a big grin on his face and a stained, smelly white T-shirt.

Ooops.. I may have forgotten to tell him about the shirt. "Oh well.." I shrugged and walked out of the boys's bathroom, getting weird glances along the way.


So.. yay or nay? Please do not be a ghost reader, I would really like to know your opinion.

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