Chapter 49

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Exercising before bed has been proven to aid in the process of falling asleep. Jimin forgot all about his insomnia thereafter, and even slept until nearly eight o’clock the next morning.

Taehyung was no longer in the room when he awoke, and as he groggily fumbled for his phone, he discovered that Taehyung had sent him a message: Didn’t want to disturb your sweet dreams, so I’m going down first.

That was when Jimin got up. He hurriedly washed his face and brushed his teeth before getting dressed and heading downstairs, where he discovered that everyone had already begun eating breakfast in the dining room.

Right as he arrived at the doorway of the dining room, he subconsciously came to a halt when he saw that Jungkook had actually returned. He was eating breakfast with Seokjin, sitting next to him.

Taehyung looked up and, as if noticing his hesitation, said, “Come sit here.”

Jimin hurriedly took the seat next to Taehyung.

“How did you sleep last night, Jimin?” Seokjin asked with a natural air about him.

Jimin gave a nod. “Pretty well.”

When Jungkook noticed that Seokjin’s milk glass was empty, he reached for the milk carton to refill it.

“I’d like a coffee,” said Seokjin.

“I’ll make you some,” Jungkook said right away. He then got to his feet and walked to the kitchen.

Moments later, Jungkook brought a cup of fresh-brewed coffee and set it down in front of Seokjin, then returned to his chair. As he dug back into his breakfast, he gazed at Seokjin and said, “I guess I’ll go contact a new company for my internship?”

Seokjin said, “Go ahead.”

Jungkook propped his face with one hand. As he stirred the bowl of chicken soup in front of him, he sighed lightly, but after seeing no reaction from Seokjin, he didn’t utter another word.

Seokjin picked up his coffee and slowly sipped at it. When he put it down, he suddenly said to Taehyung, “It’s Uncle Kim’s birthday next week, you two should prepare your own gift.”

Jimin looked up. He had no idea who this Uncle Kim was.

“I don’t know if Hoseok will be working that day,” said Yoongi.

“Make sure you all come. Uncle Kim is different, after all. We’ve been friends for so many years,” said Seokjin. He then turned to Yoongi. “Why hasn’t Hoseok been coming by much these days?”

Yoongi lowered his gaze, training his somewhat blank gaze on his plate. “He’s been busy with work, we rarely get to see each other.”

Seokjin’s brow knitted at his words. “You two have been engaged for a long time. Isn’t it about time you got married? There’s no need to keep delaying it.”

Yoongi remained unspeaking, but a hint of embarrassment showed through his eyes. Obviously, something like this wasn’t solely up to him.

Jungkook seemed like he really did need to go out and contact a new company for his internship, walking out in a rush after finishing his breakfast.

Before Yoongi left, he told Jimin, “Jimin, there’s something I have to do, so I won’t wait for you and hyung.”

Jimin promptly said, “You’d better be off then, don’t let us hold you up.”

Yoongi seemed reluctant as he waved a hand at Jimin.

Because Jimin had come down quite late, Seokjin had already left the dining room and gone upstairs by the time he finished his breakfast. Taehyung also stood up and announced that he would be getting the car.

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