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" Oo Tawde"

i heard this voice and i know who he is. non other than Devant Reddy. twin of Vedant.

he is the most shy and introverted guy in front of everyone. But I don't know whose spirit captured him, whenever he is beside me.

well he is DEVANT REDDY. 2nd hier of 'REDDY SONS'. he is well mannered and yes devotee of Vanketeshwara. well musculine body just like a body builder.

he always give me friendly vibe. but his brother, he was nice too. but the day his truth came out in front of everyone, he has becem a devil. due to which now i am really scared of him.

and i am clear he is not my AMBER HONEY BROWN EYES MAN. where are you my love. i am missing you. look, i was the girl who doesn't beleive in love. and now i am love sick. that too for the person, who is APARICHIT to me. ohh kanha... please... do something.

" oo Tawde, where are you lost. i am calling you from the last 5 minutes. " he said and entered my room

we shared a friendly hug. and he placed his hand on my head. he knows very well about my state. well he was my senior in college, that's why we shared a lovely bond.

" you know na, I can't marry your brother." i winced..

" um... i know ciriya cakotari ( small sister). but we are not having any option now..." he said...

"but how is it possible.... according to my knowledge, he is engaged." i said, he sat on the couch and i offered him water.

" he was." he stated . i squezed my eyes in confusion.

" what do you mean by 'he was'?" i asked and sat on the dressing table while combing my hair.

" umm...she was gold digger." he stated and continued.." she knows very well that Anna lost his eyes in a brutal accident. and she agreed to this marriage in exchange of Anna's black card. but all we dont know that she didnt informed her family about this. andbwas having a secret boyfriend too" i gasped at this new informtion..

" so i was right..." i said...

" what do you mean...?" he asked and stood beside me..

" umm.. one day i was working late night. near by 11.30 i left the office. on that day there was a strike of local buses so i chose to walk till my apartment. i was walking on the footpath and........ " how can i say ...

" and..?" he raised his brows.

i gulped...." i saw a dancing car at a corner... of the road..." i said

" what do you mean Tawade..?" he asked.. is really this innocent or just behaving like this. i glared him...

" have you watched PK movie?" i asked...
he nodded and his eyes widened when he realised.

" you saw her..?" he asked..

" that was her car....." i stated... and he clenched his fingers in anger..

" her family has filed a case of cheating against us." he gritted his teeth.

" what the fucking hell..." words left from my mouth and i quickly palmed my mouth.......
there was an utter silence of long minutes...

" but i am not getting the only point. why he wants to marry me?" i asked....

" in rage..." he stated and my eyes widened

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