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I was sitting in my balcony and was thinking about the meet .

My phone ringed.....

" are you ready... " Dev asked from other side..

" hnm hnm.." I hummend...
" ok then... come outside.. I am waiting.." he said and disconnected the phone..

I came downstair and my whole family was stood there with Dev on the threshold.. he waved me... and I replied in same manner..

" all the best di.." janvi said....and I passed her a smile..

" are you sure di..?" mansi said with sad face.. and I nodded again...

" hey... tell me now... if you are having something with junior Reddy.." my Atya.... ugh... she is such a overthinker...

" dev Anna... " I called....

" yes.." he replied with a toothy smile...

" do you wanna have some water...?" I asked..

" ohh No... you just come... " he replied..
I raised my brows to Atya... and she just nodded and stepped back..

" control your tactics there.., ok?" Atoba said...

" ok Atoba... " I replied and saw him clutching his bag..

" are you going somewhere ..?" I asked..

" umn... ye..yes... just near market.. " he said,.....

" then come with us we will drop you..." dev said..

" are... no .no ..... how can I.." he stammered... for the 1st time I saw him stammering..

" are uncle no worries... we are also going on same way.. come with us.." dev insisted and he too agreed.

I said bye to everyone and sat on the back seat. Atoba was on front one and Dev was driving...

soon we reached market and dropped Atoba there...and we went ahead... but suddenly he stopped the car..

" what ..?" I asked..

" come on front seat.. I am feeling like I am a driver... " he said with frowns..

" ok.." I said and sat on the front seat..

" lets go... " he said and started engine and we drove off....

Today after one and half year.. I am gonna meet him. THE VEDANT REDDY. well known business man of India. who shook the entire business world.. when his identity revealed... I swear... news channels were gone mad at that time. social media accounts were bulked with this NEWS....

it was good and bad both. good in the way... many people were encouraged by him. being blind, yes not from birth... but due a brutal accident at very tender age... He was one of the successful Business man of India. And he praised by many people too. But...

It was bad for the Reddy's . dealers started stepping back... and this leads to huge lose to the company... and on the top of it that bitch is asking for her shares as compensasion... such a gold digger she is...

" we reached..." Dev said... and we came out of the car...

we stepped towards the building... employe greeted us...

" um... you go.... I have some work in tech department.... 10th floor... " he said and left...

I came towards elevator and pressed 10th floor button.

I reached 10th floor in few minutes...

" where is Vedant Reddy's cabin..?" I asked to receptionist...

"VEDANT : THE BLIND LOVE "Where stories live. Discover now