Chapter 25

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake -"

Timothy grabbed his Rotom Phone and turned off its alarm before he sat up and stretched. He nudged Electchu, who sat beside him, and the mouse Pokemon whimpered before reluctantly standing up. Electchu yawned and stretched its back before smiling at Timothy, who scratched the back of its ears.

"It's Saturday at last, pal," Timothy said. "Ready for a long day at the Magnolia's?"

"Cha," Electchu squealed as Timothy rubbed its back.

Timothy chuckled before he got out of bed and went to change clothes and take a shower. When he came back, Timothy and Electchu went downstairs to the kitchen. Helga was humming a cheery tune as she made pancakes and scrambled eggs while Entalmorfious ate his breakfast at the dining table. Entalmorfious was on his tablet as he ate, designing a mascot for his new ad pitch. A plate of pancakes and eggs was waiting for Timothy on the table, while a bowl of Pokemon food was next to Timothy's chair for Electchu. Timothy sat down and filled his pancakes with syrup before he and Electchu dug in.

While eating breakfast, Timothy took out his Rotom Phone and looked through social media. He stopped at a news article titled "Disgraced Brothers Confined at Home Before Court on Monday," with a picture of Sordward and Shielbert as the cover. Sordward and Shielbert stood behind their living room window, tearing up as they looked at the camera. Their hair was slowly growing back, for they were forced to shave their heads to avoid the Pokemon attracted to the pheromones in their hair. The article reported Sordward and Shielbert begging the reporter and the photographer to grow away, embarrassed as if they were stark naked without their hairdos. Timothy snickered as he read the article and lowered his phone to show the article to Electchu.

Just as he was about to return to reading the article, Helga snatched his Rotom Phone and put it on the table with the screen facing down. She looked daggers at Timothy's phone as she sat between Timothy and Entalmorfious as though she had half a mind to smash it to pieces. Entalmorfious looked up from his tablet and shook his head, knowing what was on his wife's mind.

"Timothy, you know Mom's new rule: no mention or news articles of those two in this house," Entalmorfious said.

"Aw, come on, Mom. It's not that big of a deal," Timothy protested. "It's just an article about them before their next day of trial. Doesn't that make you anticipate how badly it's gonna go down for them?"

"No, it makes me wish I could reach into the photo on your Rotom Phone and strangle them," Helga said venomously. "As long as your former principal and vice principal are not in jail yet, they are in danger of me breaking into their house and squeezing their throats like getting juice out of Bulk Berries."

Timothy scoffed and shook his head before taking his phone to exit from the article. In the month since the battle at the Magnolia Paddock, Sordward and Shielbert were hit with legal troubles from two fronts. With Alexa's video to go with the files Oleana took from Sordward's computer, Superintendent Rose quickly put Sordward and Shielbert under investigation and suspended them. After a couple of days of gathering information, it was proven beyond reasonable doubt that Sordward and Shielbert took from the school budget, and because they did not officially expel Timothy, attacking a student with their Pokemon only strengthened their guilt.

Superintendent Rose terminated Sordward and Shielbert and took it upon himself to take over Motostoke High School while charging the brothers with theft and fraud. The superintendent used school money Sordward and Shielbert hadn't yet spent to purchase the new textbooks and equipment he wanted the school to have. He used the rest to give the staff a bonus as compensation for not being adequately paid, starting with Oleana. Oleana had become a new person after Superintendent Rose took over the school for the raise she wanted, and the superintendent's lightening her workload made her more cheerful when she was at school. Some students believed she had developed a crush on Superintendent Rose judging on how she adored him for how he ran the school.

Bullies, Schemes, and Pokemon Pheromones: A Sonia x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now