Chapter 11

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Luke was not a morning person. When Luke's alarm clock went off, he'd slam his fist on the snooze button, subconsciously trying to smash it into pieces. Six times he would do this until he got out of bed grumbling. He took a shower before taking Vanillite out of its Pokeball, where it was sleeping. The fresh snow Pokemon came out of its container groggy, for waking up at 5:45 was hours earlier than Luke and Vanillite were used to. The only reason Vanillite put up with Luke waking up so early was because they were sure that this was the day they would get revenge.

Luke drove from his apartment to the headquarters of the ice cream company. He snuck into the garage and took his ice cream truck, disregarding that his boss would be cross if he found out. With Vanillite floating next to him, Luke drove until he was at the corner of Timothy's block, using the trees and bushes on the first house's front yard to hide his truck. Luke grinned sinisterly as he stared at Timothy's front door.

"This is it, Vanillite. Today is the day," Luke said. "Durbin will never suspect that we would ambush him on the way to school again, and this time, we're going to skip the pleasantries. That twerp and his rodent better pray to Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Rayquaza, Goruchu, or whatever deity they believe in 'cause after I cover them with melted ice cream, you're gonna cover them in so much ice it'll be summer of next year by the time it melts."

"Vanillite," Vanillite agreed.

The ice cream man and his Pokemon partner cackled as they anxiously stared at the front door. Unbeknownst to them, Timothy, Coovers, Sonia, Electchu, Oshawott, and Yamper hid in the bushes from the other side of the road where Luke's truck was parked. The teenagers and their Pokemon snickered as they watched their targets eye Timothy's house. Timothy gave Coovers a nod, and Coovers dialed a number on his Rotom Phone. He set the call on speaker while Timothy, Sonia, Electchu, Oshawott, and Yamper tried to stop laughing. Luke's work phone went off, and he huffed in irritation before taking it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Yeah, what do you want?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah, I'd like to make an order for a pizza," Coovers said in a low voice.

"You have the wrong number. This number is for ice cream," Luke said.

"Yeah, so before I order, my grandma wants to know if you guys have garlic crust with cheese filling," Coovers said.

"Did you hear a word I said? This is for ice cream. Not pizza. It's too early in the day for pizza anyway," Luke said.

Coovers huffed, pretending to be irritated, and said, "Listen here, Buster. I know I dialed the right number. I'm offering you perfectly good money for your services, and you pretend to be the wrong place. What the dickens is the matter with you? Now, my grandma wants an extra-large jalapeno and Pecha Berry pizza with extra Pecha Berries and garlic and cheese-filled crust for breakfast, and you're gonna make it for her right now."

"Even if I was working at a pizza place, there's no such thing as jalapeno and Pecha Berry pizza, dipwad," Luke bellowed. "If your twisted grandmother wants Pecha Berries, I have a large tub of Pecha Berry ice cream. You tell me where she is, and I'll head over in my ice cream truck and fill her with so much ice cream that she'll be as round as a Snorlax."

"Well, I'll bring it up with Gammy Wammy, but I don't think she'll care about your fancy schmancy ice cream truck. She's already got one, you see," Coovers said.

Luke moved his head to stare at his phone, unsure of whether he heard right. Vanillite floated in front of him, wondering what was up, and Luke gave it a shrug.

"The old hag also has an ice cream truck," Luke said.

"Vanillite?" Vanillite asked, befuddled.

Over behind the bushes, Timothy, Coovers, and Sonia covered their mouths, snickering. Coovers covered the microphone so Luke couldn't hear his friends. Electchu and Oshawott were on their backs laughing while Yamper rolled in the grass as it laughed.

Bullies, Schemes, and Pokemon Pheromones: A Sonia x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now