Chapter one: The present

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Hi guys!That's my first try writing Phanfics in English (My mother tongue is German), I hope you don't mind little mistakes! Feel free to correct me!
So, this story is set in Persia, when Erik as young man is the "Toy" of the Khanum, the Shah's mother. Long story short: It's long before he builds the opera and meets Christine.This Fanfic based on the novel "The Phantom" by Susan Kay, if you haven't read it yet: It's great! I will make some notes after each chapter with some information out of the book for those of you who don't know it.I hope you enjoy reading! I would love to get some feedback :3


Erik's Point of View

It was another hot Persian summer day. It was almost unbearable. Since the Daroga brought me here, there was actually no day cold enough to enjoy it. Yes, the weather wasn't a reason for me to stay. Maybe it was the payment, my life in Luxury. The fact I was accept as long my work was satisfying to the Shah. Maybe I've just stayed because there was no other, better place I could go to. Whatever, since a more than a year I worked for the joy of the Persian royal household and as the architect for the new palace close to Ashraf and in fact, I did a good job.
I sat in my room, thinking about nonsense, as suddenly the door was opened heavily. There was Pouya, a servant and Eunuch who was totally convinced of everything the Shah only thinks, together with a young, barely dressed girl. He had grabbed her hair; her face was veiled, yet I saw it was deformed of pain and suffers. She was crying and breathed heavily. I would assume she was about fourteen years old; a child, actually.
"Pouya", I said coldly, "What do you want? What does this mean?"
"A present of the Shah himself. He thinks you could bear some special sort of joy! Do with her what you want, she's yours, at least for the next months" He tossed her to the ground and took a step back; I heard here quiet squeeze as she landed. Poor girl!
"Take her away! I don't want any present"
"The shah orders, it happens. You should know this by now" He turned around and left too fast I couldn't protest any harder. I looked at the slave girl; she gazed at me with so much fear in her eyes, it almost broke my heart.
"H-here to serve you", she said quietly and with a broken voice.
"You're afraid of me"
"I-I'm not..."
"So?", I stood up, took my mask and tossed it in front of her. She looked wide-eyed at my face; again tears ran down her cheeks. I heard her breathe "Holy Mother of god... Why me" again and again, she pressed herself against the wall next to the door, her face hide in her hands.
"Now tell me again: Are you really going to serve me?" She didn't answer and I didn't expect one. Instead I grabbed my mask and put it on again.
"Go out of here. Tell your master I won't accept his present."
She let her hands slowly sank. "W-what?"
"You heard me."
"N-no! Please, don't do this! He kills me!"
"Tell him whatever it needs. Tell him I'm... I'm not able to use you"
"But... Please! I'm sorry for frightened away!"
"How old are you? Fourteen? Go home, girl"
She looked at me as I was mad. Very slowly she stood up, searching for the door without stopping looking at me. Suddenly there was another, female voice, screaming for someone outside; "KAYA! Kaya, where the hell are you?"The slave girl jerked, then hurried to open the door.
"Tara! I'm here, Tara!" Another girl, probably this Tara, appeared. She was dressed just like Kaya, but she was older, about seventeen years old I supposed. She had long, black hair, a tanned skin. I noticed the beauty of her worried face as she hugged the younger one.
"Kaya! I'm so sorry, when they told me his plans it was too late to rescue you! Are you alright?"
"Yes, I-i think so..." Tara kissed her forehead, before she slowly turned her face towards me. This was the first time I saw her deep, blue eyes. Her eyes full of hate. Somehow she reminded me of a girl I once knew... Back then...
"Let her go. She is still a child, easy to frighten and without experience! You won't have much fun with her! Take me instead"
"I don't want either of you, I don't need a slave", I said forced friendly. Why was it so hard to say no when she offered me herself?
"If you don't, both of us get killed. Just... just say them you'd prefer me, they won't mind! And my sister is save, at least now"
"Are you really going to say me what I should do?"
She hestiated just a moment, I believed she was thinking about a answerf carefully. Good for her. "Of course not, I beg you to do it! I will do anything to satisfy you, promised"
Before I could react, Kaya mumbled at her shoulder: "Don't... His face... It's horrible"
"You should listen to your sister", I said coldly, "you will regret your promise"
"I'm professional enough to stand it, I'm sure. I know the rumors about what's under your mask"
"Fine, Tara, right?"
"No, it's not. My name is Tamina, just my family and friends call me Tara"
"Fine then, Tamina. I don't know what forced you to be here and sacrifice yourself, I don't know how many experiences you have, but believe me: Whatever you think how professional you are, you won't stand it. Nobody does."
"Well, that's my problem then. I can handle it. Do we have a deal? I'm staying here and my sister is free. One should be enough for you" She said this in an undertone of contempt and disgust. Either she was brave or just mad!
"Are you always that sassy?"
"Usually I do my best to hide it"
"Good to know..."
"So that's a yes?"
"If you really have the need to stay here, do what you want."
"Thank you", she said candidly. I just nodded and went to the window, starring outside.
"Listen", I heard Tara saying to her sister, "Go out of here. I take care of it"
"I don't want to leave you with him!"
"You must. Nothing will happen to me, you know. I always survived" I didn't get what happens next, all I heard was the door get closed. After a few minutes of silence, Tara gets closer.
"So, guess I'm all yours now"
"Ah, really. What men usually do with you?"
"Well usually... They let me feel I'm the slave and they're the boss. You may be able to imagine what this mean"
"How do you come here? I mean, how did you become a slave? It doesn't seems like you've been born in slavery"
"You know how things are going here. The shah orders, it happens. He ordered new slaves and they got him some. Kaya and I live here since about three years"
"Your parents are fine with this?"
"I could ask you the same."
"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, wondering about what she was saying. This was the moment I decided she was mad, not brave.
"You're not much older than me, a few years maybe. And yet, you're a slave too"
"I'm not a slave."
"You are. Everyone in Persia is a slave, expect the shah and his monster of mother, but of course you know this"
"You work for her, don't you?"
"Sometimes. She likes us being around and support anything she is doing"
"Well, then I guess you know me and what I do"
"I do"
"Then you know I'm a monster too"
"You're not a monster. You're a toy. Her toy, to be exact", when she noticed the look in my eyes, she hurried to add: "at least that's how the Khanum calls you"
"Seems like I'm her favorite toy, you wouldn't be here either", I replied coldly.
"That's right"
"Where are you from?"
"You don't look like a Persian. You don't have a Persian name. You not even talk like a Persian!"
"How does a Persian talk?"
"Respectfully. Reverently."
"Oh, yeah... No, I'm not a Persian. I'm from Spain."
"At least this is explaining a lot"
"What do you mean?"
"Every Spaniard I met was very ... passionate. So are you."
"So you made your experiences with Spaniards yet. Then you know what you can expect..." Tara knelt down just in front of me and inclined her head.
"W-what are you doing?!"
"I'm your slave. You're my master. I'm waiting for your orders"
"My orders?"
"I know you're French. I know you are very passionate too, at least when it comes to love..."
"I can imagine what humbling things men wanted you to do. But I'm not like others. I'm not going to treat you like a slave"
"I know how I look. I won't force you to bear this face"
"I said it before, I can stand it"
"You needn't. Go home, take care of your sister. I'm pretty sure she needs you after what she saw."
"It's my duty to..."
"And it's my pride!", I interrupted her immediately. "I don't rape you. I will never be that desperate"
This horrible culture... I was trying to help her and she didn't get it!
"I'm your master, right? Then I order now that I want you to stay with your sister"
"What about the shah?""I will tell him what he wants to here. What a perfect present he made me. Why I let your sister go. He won't hurt both of you"
"Well, thank you, then. That's... kind"
I kept quiet. A little confused she stood up and walked to the door. She hesitated a moment, but then she left finally. I sighed with relieve and leaned at the window. This was a strange feeling... I never ever had to refuse a woman and I never thought I would someday. But this slave girl... She was a forced prostitute, not more, not less. I couldn't believe she had really offered me to rape her... Even she was used to it, I wasn't! I defiantly preferred pretending it! She was really strange... And yet so beautiful, I've never seen such a beauty before. Poor girl. Tara was as damned as I was, just in the quite opposite way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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