Episode 2: Safe Harbor

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Episode 2: Safe Harbor

Yasmina POV

Me and the others were sitting on the rocks a a little bit away from the boat. We were all in swim wear. I had my purple one piece suit on. Darius was in yellow swim trunks, same with Kenji, while Brooklyn had a blue two-piece swimsuit. Sammy was wearing something similar to Brooklyn but yellow and pink.

"Where's Arrow?" Kenji asked.

"Right here!" 

I turned and saw Patrick shirtless and in green swim trunks. I looked at his chest in shock. I heard him laugh then looked up in his eyes. He had his bow in one hand and his quiver on his back.

"Why do you have your bow?" Ben asked. 

"Just in case. Tiff could still be in there." Patrick said. I nodded and we began our swim.

Once we reached the boat Patrick went up the stairs first with an arrow drawn. He aimed his bow while we all followed him.

"Spilt up. I'll check the panel." Patrick said. 

"I'll go with you." I said. He nodded. Kenji entered the staircase that led below deck with Sammy and Ben while Brooklyn and Darius continued to search on the deck.

I followed Patrick up the ladder. Patrick handed me his knife. I looked at him surprise.

"Just in case." Patrick said with a reassuring smile. I nodded and held the blade ready.

Patrick notched an arrow as we reached the door for the bow. Patrick kicked down the door but before anything could happen, he spun around and hugged me tightly, obscuring my vision. 

"Patrick, what's..." I asked but he interrupted.

"Don't look." He whispered confusing me. "Look away"

I nodded and looked back at nublar. I heard him walk into the room. Soon after I heard something splash in the water on the other side of the boat.

"You can look now." Patrick said. 

I turned around and saw the windshield was broken. Patrick looked at me.

"What happened?" I asked. Patrick sighed. 

"Prometheus killed Tiff. I didn't want you to see the body." Patrick said nervously. "And the boats almost out of gas. Radio is down, and a lot of the panel is broken."

My eyes went wide before smiling.

"Thank you." I said softly as I approached him.  I wrapped my arm around his waist. He smiled down at me as I closed the distance between us. I kissed his lips and he kissed back as I thought back on our time on the island together.

I remember when we first met. How awkward our first interaction was until we met Spike. He was the first friend I ever had.

Then my mind went to when we first set up camp. When my ankle was still injured, and he was so worried about my safety. The face he made when I fell over.

I pulled away from Patrick finally realizing something.

"You okay Yaz?" Patrick asked causing me to look up at him.

"I..." I was about to confess when suddenly I heard Darius and Brooklyn screaming.

We both rushed outside and to the back of the boat. We saw Brooklyn and Darius had fell on the ground with Sammy and Kenji laughing while standing over them.

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