Episode 7: A Shock to the System

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Episode 7: A Shock to the System

Sammy's POV

This isn't happening.

It was a few hours after Patrick's heart stopped. We reinforced the fence while Yaz slept. Patrick's body was still unresponsive.

This can't be happening.

I looked back from where I was standing.

"Sammy?" Brooklyn asked.

I turned to her. She was leaning on Darius's shoulder for support. Kenji was staring at the ground while Ben just had a frown on his face.

"This can't be happening." Kenji said. "The Mirikuru will work. We just have to wait." 

"Kenji, his heart stopped." Ben said, his voice cracking. "Nothing can heal that."

I just stared at the ground. Tears fell from my face onto the rocky floor.

"Let's get home." Darius said, trying to sound strong but his voice was cracking two. "It's what he would want."

"Not yet." Brooklyn said facing upwards. "We have to bury him. It's the least we can do."

I nodded.

"We owe him that." I said shakily.

We stood around for a few seconds.

"Who's gonna wake Yaz?" Kenji asked. I looked over at the track star and sighed


"I'll do it." I said. "You guys gather his stuff." 

Everyone nodded slowly as I walked over to Yaz. She was still sleeping next to Patrick's body. Spike was nowhere to be seen. She must've ran back to her pack.

I sighed and kneeled next to her. Before I could wake her up, she began groaning.

"I love you two Patrick." She said groggily. I sighed before shaking her shoulder.

"Yaz?" I asked. She groaned and her eyes slowly opened. She looked up at me.

"Sammy? Wha..." She started but her eyes went wide. She remembered.

"No, No, no!" She yelled grabbing Patrick's limp hand. She cried for a few seconds before starting to calm down.

"You wanna talk about it?"  I asked softly.

She let out a sob before looking up at me.

"On the... boat, when... when I realized I... I loved him, I wanted us to go home together... we had plans to go... bowling at his local... alley. Movies..." She said in between sobs. She looked up at me, her eyes full of tears. "He... He promised, he'd never leave me... why did he leave me Sammy..."

I pulled her into a hug. She put her head on my shoulder and sobbed hysterically.

"Shh, it's okay, let it all out." I said as a held her tightly. 

A few minutes later she stopped sobbing, she looked up at me.

"We're going to bury him." I said. She nodded and kiss Patrick's finger.

"I love you, Patrick." She said.

I looked up and saw Kenji holding a piece of paper.

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