Episode 4: E750

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Patrick's POV

Me and Yaz were holding the metal pieces I found on the other dock in place over the hole so Darius could use the superglue to keep the metal in place. Ben was out with Bumpy again much to my concern, but I ignored it for now.

"It ain't pretty but it should be tight enough to keep the water out" I said with hope as Darius finished.

We backed away from the hole and waited on bated breath. The metal stayed in place causing me to cheer.

"Thank god!" I screamed.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get out of here!" Kenji yelled as Sammy grabbed his shoulders.

"I can't believe this is happening" Sammy said excited.

"Buh bye Isla Nublar!" Brooklyn exclaimed.

"We are out of here!" Yaz cheered.

"Hold up guys." Darius said interrupting the cheers. "It says we have to wait 48 hours for it to stay solid." 

"Damn" Patrick said.

"Nah, they only have to say that for insurance and stuff." Kenji said as he stood next to the covered hole. "As your captain, I now pronounce this vessel, seaworthy!" 

Kenji smacked the metal covering the hole causing it to fall. Patrick glared at Kenji who laughed nervously.

"Uh, I gotta do some captaincy stuff." Kenji said nervously before scurrying off.

Darius sighed.

"Alright. One more time." Darius said. Before I could help Sammy grabbed my shoulder.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Sammy asked nervously. I looked at her and nodded before we walked away.

"What's going on Texan?" I asked. She rubbed the back of her head nervously. 

"We'll, you know how I was supposed to bring some important info to Mantah corp in order to save my farm?" Sammy asked. "Well, I was wondering if I could tell them about Mirikuru?" 

"And tell them that I'm the key to unlocking a biological weapon." I growled. "Look Sam, I want to help, but you can't do that."

Sammy looked to the ground ashamed. 

"You're right. Sorry for wasting your time." Sammy said sounded shameful. She was about to turn away when I suddenly hugged her.

"I know how it feels to think you failed your family. So we're going to go investigate that E750 envelope you found. Ok?" I said. 

Sammy looked up at me with a wide smile.

"Thank you so much Patrick!" Sammy yelled wrapping here arms around me. I hugged her back.

"Hey Yaz! Me and Sammy are going to solve a mystery!" I yelled. Yaz just held a thumbs up. 

"Love you!" She screamed back.

"Love you two!" I yelled as I led Sammy towards the jungle.

After a few minutes of walking Sammy let out squeal.

"You two finally said the word?!" She asked in excitement. "Tell. Me. everything!" 

Patrick laughed when suddenly they heard stomping. We instinctively I towards the bushes. Wehid as they watched three of the same Dino's. My eyes went wide.

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