13| A new seeker?

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Today was the first day of flying classes with Madam Hooch, for the first years. Most of the first years were excited for the class. It was a combined class for all four houses.

Harry loved the class because he loved flying, even if it is his first time flying. He turned out to be a natural, as quoted by madam Hooch.

"Woah! Proud of you prongslet!" The marauders cheered.

Draco too succeeded in lifting the broom up after a few tries. Once everyone had their brooms up, madam Hooch was giving instructions but, unfortunately for Neville, he kicked the ground and flew before th he instructions were given.

"Oh no..." Many gasped in worry.

"Such a noob." Lucius snorted, Alice and Frank glared at him, causing him to shut his mouth.

Neville was frantic. He was shouting for help and Madam Hooch was trying to tell the boy how to get down, but alas, it way too late. Neville crashed into a wall and fell. Madam Hooch rushed towards the boy and observed that he had broken his arm. So, she immediately took him to the hospital wing, not before warning the class not to fly before she returns back.

"My poor boy!" Alice sobbed, looking at the screen. Frank was consoling her.

"It looked like a pretty bad fall..." A few mumbled, hoping to that the boy is alright.

Draco found Neville's remembrall (a girl from Neville's grandma) lying on the ground. He picked it up and flew in the air, saying that he'd leave the remembrall somewhere in the air for Neville to find.

"Draco!!" Narcissa yelled disappointedly.

"Peacock 2.0" Sirius sneered, and most of them agreed with her.

"Bully! Just like his father!" Bellatrix cackled.

Harry felt angry seeing Draco's behaviour and he too flew up. Ha chased Draco in the air and cornered him. Ha demanded Draco to return the remembrall and also reminded Draco that his goons were not here to protect him.

"Woah! Way to go prongslet. Tell that peacock!" Sirius cheered.

"The boy's really witty!" Rosier compliments Harry.

"Thank you for the compliment uncle Rosy!" A voice said, confusing everyone. They ignored this as they were focused on the screen.

Draco seemed to realise that Harry's words were true so, he immediately threw that remembrall in some direction and flow down. Harry safely and swiftly caught that remembrall and flew down smoothly.

"He seems to be a natural seeker..." Fleamont commented, looking proud. On listening to his father, James puffed his chest with pride.

"Show off..." Lucius mumbled.

"The guy really knows how to put people in their places!" Barty commented with a chuckle.

Cheers and applauses were heard for Harry from fellow Gryffindors, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. But, the celebration was short lived, as a very stern looking professor McGonagall came there and asked Harry to follow her, despite the protests and explanations from other students, especially Archemis, Lyra and Hermione.

"Minnie... You are not punishing Harry for this right?" The Marauders asked impatiently.

"I do not have answers for your questions Mr Potter, Mr Black, Mr Lupin and Mr Pettigrew, it's the future..." McGonagall said, secretly hoping that she didn't punish the boy for his good deed.

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