Chapter 1: Introduction

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My knees bled as I fell to the ground, hitting the roots of the tree. "Ow, fuck." I whimpered. I stood up and shook of my knee.

"It's just a little scrape." I say to myself.

I have been taking pictures of everything (basically) starting when I was 7, when my dad bought me a camera as a Christmas present. I miss those times. When mom and dad still cared about me. Now, dad is always at work for some odd reason, and mom drinks at least 3 bottles of whiskey a day. So, to kill time when I wasn't in school, I just went outside and took pictures of trees, statues, just things generally.

It was getting late though. I should really head back.

I walk to my house. I wasn't really far from it, 5 minutes away maybe? As I walk from the town park, I spot a house with laughing children. There was a boy and girl. They looked no more than 10 years old with blonde hair, playing hide and seek. I loathe them out of jealousy to be like that. Again.


I take off my shoes in the front porch, my feet weren't really dirty. I enter through the door and pass through the 'welcome' mat.

'Mom, I'm home.'

I have always gotten used to saying that, knowing for a fact she doesn't listen to me, just drinking her life away probably in the living room or somewhere.

My house was first built a long time ago, 1950 I think. My parents didn't really decorate that much, just the necessity furniture and stuff.

I walk through the living room and spot my mom drunkenly asleep on the couch. I take the glass from her hand and put it on the table. Quietly, I watched her sleeping. It was nice seeing her like this. When she wasn't sleeping, she was usually screaming at me, rattling my eardrums. This was the peace I needed.


I decided to go upstairs and into my room. I was feeling exhausted. I changed to my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep.


I woke up feeling exhausted. I didn't know why. I slept quite early last night. Oh well.

I quickly got up, got ready, and went to the kitchen.

As per usual, mom didn't make me anything for breakfast. I just grabbed a banana to eat then, headed to school.

If someone asked me on how I feel about high school, I don't know what I would say, honestly. I didn't like it nor hate it. The only thing I don't like is having no friends. Yep, through 2 years of high school, I don't have anyone I call my 'friend.'

I loathe the girls I see walking with their group of friends, chatting and laughing. I wanna be just like that.

I headed to my first class, biology. The class I hate most.

I sat between Amelie and Grace. The 2 girls I liked most in my class. They're always nice to me, even if we're not friends.


It's currently midday.

'Next.' The lunch lady said.

'Can I get the mashed potatoes, with beans, and
nuggets?' I said calmly.

'That would he $5 Ms. Lucy.'

I gave her my $5 and sat on a lunch table. Alone, as I usually do. I was shocked when I saw someone sitting in front of me.

'Hey. I'm Louis. I just transferred here a couple days ago. You must be Lucy right? I think you're really cool.' Louis said with a radiant smile.

The first thing I noticed was how pretty he is. He's blonde, blue eyes a little bit taller than me maybe 5'6?

'Yeah. I'm Lucy, nice to meet you.' I said with a light smile, looking at his direction but not at him. I was too shy.

'You were sitting a couple desks in front of me in biology earlier. Also, I heard you listening to Miss World by Hole yesterday. You have really good music taste.'

'Really? I love Hole. They're my favorite band.'

'That's so cool! Hole is also one of my favorites. I think Courtney Love is such a visionary artist and people don't recognize her talent enough!'

We both chatted about our love for the band, Hole and other rock bands from the 90s. Talking to him felt so easy which, I never felt. I was always awkward and shy around other people. This was very different for me.


After lunch, me and Louis went to our next class, math. It was my 2nd favorite subject next to English, of course. Also, the math teacher, Ms. Sarah was one of my favorites. She was always patient and helpful to everyone, especially me. After class, one day, she told me she was my favorite student.

I spotted Ms. Sarah writing down some notes and greeted her. 'Hey, Ms. Sarah.'

She didn't greet me back. Strange. Weird. Maybe she's having a bad day?

Me and Louis sat next to each other on the 2nd to last row and class began.

But as class progressed, I felt something was very off. Like, whoever this is looks like Ms. Sarah, has her voice, her personality, but something was definitely off. I think something has replaced Ms. Sarah for whatever reason.

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