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Naira singhania the youngest daughter of singhania family third child of natik and akshara sister of virat and naksh

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Naira singhania the youngest daughter of singhania family third child of natik and akshara sister of virat and naksh . A twenty six year old MBA Graduate currently living in Goa as a local tourist guide and Yoga trainer, she has a loving family back in Udaipur but due to certain people and circumstances she had to leave them and it has been five years since she has been to her home. She loves her family very much and talk to them through phone even though she is not near to them also their well being matters the most to her than anything if anyone dare to lay a hand on them she will kill them, she loves her both brothers and sister in laws very much and wish to meet them soon specially her first brother.

she is the diamond of singhania and maheshwari family,and the princess of her father and doll of her brothers she is loved by everyone in the family. who considers that the biggest mistake that she committed was to love kartik goenka who never valued her love and their marriage , will naira change the perspective of life what will happen when naira meets the ict, her brothers family, will she find a genuine person whom she can trust and believe Who will change her perspective of love

For her family comes above everything and she can go to any extend to protect them, will she find the deserved happiness in life and will her perspective about love and relationships change

Hates Kartik and Goenkas lot and she doesn't even like to hear his name and also holds him responsible for the death of their unborn child

Kartik Goenka a twenty seven year old business man and the owner of goenka industry, he was Naira's ex husband who once loved her immensely and was always there for her even during the most toughest times

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Kartik Goenka a twenty seven year old business man and the owner of goenka industry, he was Naira's ex husband who once loved her immensely and was always there for her even during the most toughest times. But five years before something changed between them. His insecurities and jealousy over her success made him question her loyalty character and self respect, which led to their separation.

After the separation also kartik is still not ready to accept his mistake but somewhere he feels guilty for her current condition , He is getting married to vedika ( He is not interested but for the sake of his dadis happiness he is doing so)

For him his family comes above everything and for them he can go against anyone, Somewhere he is a very egoistic person who is not ready to accept his mistakes until he gets a reality check and his ego always cloud his rational mind Hates Naira so much  ( He think that the only way to move on from Naira is to marry vedika) doesn't know about naira being pregnant and lossing her child

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