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While Lisa and Naira was talking her phone started ringing and Naira looked at the caller ID only to see it was Natik she picked up the phone..... 

Naira : Hello papa

Natik : Hello beta how are you

Naira : I am fine Papa how are you and why did you call me

Natik : I am fine baccha, and what do you mean by why did you call me, do I don't have the right to call my princess when ever l want huh or have I become a stranger to you

Naira : Uff oh Papa I didn't mean anything like that, I simply asked sorry

Natik : OK fine, anyways I called you to give you a happy news

Naira : Happy news what happy news Papa

Natik : Beta do you remember our apartment complex for which you and keerti did the interior design

Naira :  Yes Yes I remember, Papa what is the good news in that

Natik : It got sold, and guess who bought it

Naira : What!!! It's sold congratulations papa and tell me who bought the apartment

Natik : BCCI

Naira : What!!! That means bhaiya

Natik :  Yes princess, from now onwards your bhai and team will stay in that apartment complex when ever he is in Mumbai, even if he is not there also your bhabhi would be staying there with the other wife's

Naira : I.... I can't believe it Papa that my first project is such a big success and bhaiya will be staying in it truly Papa it feels like a dream

Natik : I am so happy for you princess I pray to God that this marks the beginning of your new career beta

Naira : Thank you so much Papa

With that she cut the call and Lisa was looking at her in confusion , suddenly something striked her she looked at Naira and she just nodded her head, lisa jumped and hugged Naira out of excitement

Lisa : OMG!!! Naira I am so happy for you finally you achieved the first step towards your dream, so so happy for you my friend

Naira : Thank you so much lisa now leave me otherwise I will die without oxygen

Lisa : Sorry sorry, she left Naira and she took long breathes but seriously I am so happy for you, all your hard work payed off today. A brother can't be more proud of his sister than your bhai would feel today

Naira : I hope he gets the feeling of home

Lisa : Of course he will, now let's go home and in the evening we will celebrate your achievement

They left from there

Meanwhile in singhania villa keerti came back and as amazed to find every one happy

Keerti : What happened everyone look so happy  did something big happened did I miss out anything

Naksh : No you didn't missed anything, in fact we want to congratulate you for your achievement

Keerti : Achievement ??

Natik : Yes beta achievement, you remember the apartment complex for which you and Naira did the interior design works

Keerti :  Yes, You are trying to sell it off from a long time know Papa...... Wait did you finally got a buyer

Natik : Yes and it's non other than bcci

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