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The story begins in the middle of the night a Girl was sleeping with a frown on her face and soon some memories started flashing in front of her yes

We are sorry to inform you that your child is no more

How could you do this to me Naira I only loved you and is this how you return your love.

You ruined four life together Naira and I am not gone forgive you ever

You have brought enough and more shame to the house and I won't let you bring more shame to the house get out right now

If you want me to trust you then answer my question, did something happen between you and mihir that night??

You have suffered a miscarriage Mrs Goenka

Naira : No No Mumma she woke up with a sudden jolt and look around her surroundings taking deep breaths

Naira 's pov : Why God Why only me, why am I the only one to suffer so much without even doing anything, what was my mistake loving him and his family or supporting them in weak times, I worked for them I started earning for the family and in the end my hard work lost and there insecurities worn, why it's always me who would suffer don't I deserve to be happy. Enough is enough now I will live my life the way I want and won't let anyone hurt me ever again, what ever happened five years ago was a bad dream and won't let that haunt me again

I hate you kartik so much that words can't even describe, because of you I lost my child you questioned my character, without even thinking how much it hurts. Where you the same kartik whom I used to love ones. If we meet again I promise I will take my revenge from you for ruining my life and for killing my child

Her pov ends with great difficulty she slept

Time skips to next day morning As usual Naira got ready for the morning after her Yoga class, she had a few clients who has come to visit Goa and she is taking them around for a tour in few of the most famous places of Goa. She packed her necessary things and then locked the door came out and was about to start the Scotty at that time she saw Lisa coming towards her running

Lisa : Sorry Sorry Naira I am late again, you know what the tap of my washroom was not working so it took me a little bit more time to get ready, next time onwards I will take care

Naira : It's okay lisa now let's not waste more time let's go

With that they left for the destination

You can see a big mansion a lady was doing the morning arrati and praying to God

Some men where sitting and discussing something and two ladies entered came to them with tea and snacks

And kept it on the table

Keerti : Good morning, Papa, Naksh and chotte Dadu

Them : Good morning Keerti,

Devyani : Here take the tea

She served all of them tea

Natik : Choti maa, bhabhi maa is still not done with her prayers

Devyani : No naitik, you know right she takes a lot of time

Naksh : Papa today I don't have to go to hotel if you want I will come with you to office

Naitik : Yeah I want you to come to office as their are a few files to look and reports to be studied

Naksh : OK then after breakfast we will leave

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