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6 Months Later.

"Hello, everyone. This is Kim Somi of Blue Ocean Entertainment."

People stopped what they were doing and rushed to view the newly released video on Blue Ocean's official YouTube channel. It was the first video of Somi and they had all waited so long for it.

She looked really good; her hair was longer and darker, her bruises were gone and she had put on little weight which fit her perfectly well. However, each person noticed that there was a bit of sadness hanging around her and they knew it would take time for it to go away.

"I would like to start by apologizing for taking this long to release this video. To be honest, recovery hasn't been the easiest thing and it has taken a lot of time to let go of the guilt I have been carrying for everything that played out and for the people who got hurt.

"The guilt is something I carry with me but I am slowly coming to understand that not all of it was my fault and that I was just a victim as well...Thank you all for your flowers, gifts, messages and letters. They've kept me going in the past months and I am really grateful. Thanks to all my friends who have visited and stayed with me too. I appreciate all those moments and I promise to pay them back as much as I can."

She smiled in the video, giving those watching a glimpse of her old self.

"To S'mores, thank you for your continuous support. I want you to know that I'm physically alright but mentally and emotionally, I still need some time. I went through a lot throughout the whole of last year and being in captivity was a lot in itself. I hope that you hold on a little longer, until I can once again be the Kim Somi you know and love.

"On that note, I'd like to officially announce that I'll be taking an indefinite break from the industry. This is a decision I've made after consultations with so many people who play important roles in my life. I thought it'd better to break this news myself instead of having the company do it. I don't know how long it'll take but until I'm back to the woman I once was, I'll like to live quietly; far away from the spotlight."

Many of those who were watching were crying silently. There were a few that wailed loudly. Somi kept smiling in the video.

"I'll also like to announce that I'm seeing someone now. He's someone I've liked for a while. The situation that led to us confessing our feelings was beyond ideal but having him in my life has made the past months bearable. I hope when the news officially comes out and his identity is revealed, we will be supported. I'm really happy with him and we're still learning new things about each other but I wouldn't ask for anything more. I hope you really support us both. That'll mean a lot to the both of us."

The rest of the video was hardly paid attention to as everyone wondered who Somi was dating. There were people who said it was Taehyung while some others said it was a non-celebrity who Somi valued a lot.

In his new home, far away from every prying eye, Taehyung sat in the swing seat by the panoramic window which offered a breathtaking view of the Han River, his arms wrapped around the woman who slept with her head against his bare chest. She stirred with a small whine before stilling once again. With a smile, he kissed her hair and a moment passed before he repeated the action.

Like every single day in the past months, he was glad she was fine and that she was with him. He was never letting go of her. He would be crazy to do so.


"Do you have any last words before I give my verdict, Mr Park?"

Eun-Seok, dressed in the orange overalls meant for prison inmates, looked at the judge who asked the question. With a mocking smile, he turned and searched for Somi among those seated in the courtroom. He found her at the very back, seated between CEO Moon and Ji-Eun, right in front of the row that held Mamamoo and BTS. His smile widened but Somi didn't smile back. Her face was a blank mask and it wasn't one he was used to seeing.

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