Chapter 3: Naera and the first test

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scared out of my mind I wanted to use one of my talking spells to aid me in this but, I did not want to give away too much for fear of increasing my chances of being discovered so I said the one thing I could think of, "we call come in different shapes, sizes and color," I have a wicked smile hoping that would do the trick and she would let me pass. Thankfully she did she nodded and directed me towards a row of tents where I would be staying. I found my tent nestled among several others, its sturdy canvas flaps secured against the desert winds. The tent was spacious enough to accommodate three people comfortably we all had our own little beds nestled as far away from each other as we could be. 

I shared the tent with two other Naera's a thin tall tan man named Christian with beautiful golden amber eyes and a girl named Jackcrina, a short, chubby girl with black curly hair and glasses, they seem nice. I thought. 

I joined them on the ground, the tent illuminated by a small oil lamp that cast flickering shadows on the canvas walls. The air was filled with the scent of desert herbs and sand, a reminder of our journey through Naera. Outside, the desert stretched out in all directions, the dunes shimmering under the light of the setting sun.

"I can't believe we made it," Jackcrina exclaimed, her excitement contagious. "Naera is incredible, isn't it? So different from my home" she said. "Oh, you are not from Naera?" I asked curiously. "I am, but I've never been to this part the dunes are incredible I've only ever stayed close to my city a rusted one that is why when I got this opportunity to go to Radiantia and make something of myself I jumped with open arms and I'm sorry but I will fight with tooth and nails to earn a spot to go to Radiantia. I don't care who I have to step on to get there!" she says as she walks out of the tent.

"wow, that is a threat if I ever heard one," Chrisitian says laughing. I smiled. This part of Naera is beautiful. I said trying to act like I am from this land, Christian nodded in agreement, his gaze thoughtful. "It's beautiful and harsh at the same time. Like a world unto itself."

I smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with my tentmates, especially Christian, "It's definitely unlike anything I've ever experienced," I admitted. "But I'm grateful to be here, to have this opportunity."

The conversation drifted to our upcoming tests, the challenges we anticipated, Despite the uncertainties ahead, I felt a growing sense of pride, I carry a huge weight on me, but I am ready for it. All of us here were embarking on a journey that would test us in ways we couldn't yet imagine, but together, we would face it head-on. 

As night fell outside our tent, the stars emerged in a glittering tapestry above the desert. The wind whispered through the dunes,  In that moment, surrounded by hopeful friends and allies I knew that whatever lay ahead, we would face it together. 

The next morning, the camp was abuzz with excitement and nervous anticipation. We were about to face the ten trials that would determine our eligibility to study at Radiantia. The tests were designed to challenge our physical abilities, intellect, magical skills, and teamwork. As the first rays of sunlight pierced the horizon, we gathered in the main clearing where the judges awaited us, their expressions stern and unreadable.

The first test was a labyrinth constructed entirely of mirrors. The goal was to navigate through the maze and reach the exit within a set time limit. The mirrors were enchanted to create illusions and distortions, making it difficult to find the true path.

I entered the labyrinth alongside Christian, our reflections multiplying and merging in the reflective surfaces. As we moved deeper, we encountered obstacles in the form of false passages and dead ends. We had to rely on our instincts and a bit of magic to dispel the illusions and find the true path. As we approached the entrance to the labyrinth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The structure was imposing, with towering walls of mirrors reflecting the desert sunlight in blinding flashes. I glanced at Christian, who gave me a reassuring nod. We stepped into the labyrinth together, the world around us immediately fracturing into a mirror of reflections.

"Stay close," I whispered, my voice echoing strangely in the mirrored corridors.

Christian nodded, his expression serious. "We need to keep our bearings. Let's mark our path as we go."

I watched as he used a small piece of chalk to make discreet marks on the lower corners of the mirrors. It was a clever strategy; without it, we could easily become disoriented in the ever-shifting maze.

We moved cautiously, each step revealing more illusions designed to confuse and mislead. At one point, we found ourselves facing a dead end that seemed to split into multiple paths, each reflection showing a different direction.

Christian touched my arm gently. "Look at the ground," he suggested. "The real path won't disturb the sand as much."

He was right. By focusing on the slight differences in the texture of the sand, we managed to find the true path and continue forward. It was a subtle detail, but in this environment, every small observation counted.

As we progressed, the labyrinth seemed to play tricks on us, making it difficult to distinguish reality from illusion. Reflections of ourselves appeared and vanished, some mimicking our movements perfectly, while others moved independently, attempting to lead us astray.

At one particularly challenging juncture, we faced a mirror that showed us a path branching in two directions. Both seemed identical, but Christian paused and studied them intently.

"Elia, look at the reflections," he said quietly. "One of them shows us with shadows, and the other doesn't. The sun is setting outside, so our real reflections should have shadows."

I peered closely and saw he was right. The subtle shadows in one reflection indicated the true path. We followed it, thankful for Christian's keen observation.

The deeper we ventured, the more intricate the illusions became. At one point, we stumbled upon a section where the mirrors created a looping effect, making it appear as if we were walking in circles. Frustration began to build, but we kept our cool, knowing that panic would only make things worse.

"Let's use our magic to test the paths," Christian suggested. "A small spell to disrupt the illusions might help."

I nodded, and we each cast a simple light spell, directing the beams down the different paths. The light behaved normally in one direction, while the other paths seemed to bend and distort the beams unnaturally.

"This way," I said, pointing to the path where the light traveled straight and true.

As we neared what felt like the center of the labyrinth, the challenges grew more intense. We encountered mirrors that showed us scenes from our pasts, designed to distract and unsettle us. I saw fleeting images of my parents, my village, and the old wise man. It was almost enough to make me lose focus, but I reminded myself why I was here and pressed on. Thankfully Christian did not seem to see what I saw, they were meant to be individual illusions, he was battling his own illusions. 

Christian and I worked seamlessly together, our partnership growing stronger with each obstacle. His logical mind and my intuitive thinking complemented each other perfectly. When we finally reached the exit, we were exhausted but triumphant.

Emerging from the labyrinth, we were greeted by the judges, who watched us with keen interest. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desert sands.

"We did it," Christian said, his voice a mix of relief and pride.

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "Yes, we did."

The first test had been a true trial of our abilities, but it also proved that we were capable of overcoming even the most deceptive challenges. As we prepared for the next trial, I felt a renewed sense of determination. We were one step closer to achieving our goal, and I knew that with Christian by my side, we could face anything that lay ahead. I just hope that we both make it to Radiantia. 

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