Chapter One ❀ Steven!!

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 "Steven Grant Rogers!!" Evelyn yelled through the small house so loud the neighbors must be as shaken as Steve himself. Steve and his best friend, James (Who went by Bucky), were trying to sneak into the house.

This attempt was in fact, fruitless as Steve's older sister, Evelyn had seen them through the musty kitchen window.

"Evelyn, It's not what it looks like" Bucky tried to reason with the older woman,

"James Barnes, do not try to reason with me. I will call your mother. Steven-" Evelyn sighed looking at the bruised boy. His nose was bleeding and he was holding his sleeve to his face in a pitiful attempt to hide his forming black eye, "What happened this time," She sighed and went to get a towel and dampen it using cool water from the sink and tossing it to her younger brother,

"Some guy was being a jerk at the theater!" Steve complained "He kept flirting with this woman and like, trying to touch her! I could just sit there." Evelyn sighed. She knew she wouldn't just sit there either,

"Bucky, weren't you there with him?" Evelyn asked, turning to the other boy.

"No, I... I got orders." Bucky gestured down at his uniform which Evelyn, in her frustration, had not noticed.

"Oh... I'm sorry... truly." Steve relaxed thinking that the attention was off him and he was no longer in trouble. "Steve, you're not out of it yet." Evelyn always knew what her brother thought.

Their father, Joseph Rogers, whose mind had been poisoned by the great war after he served in the trenches. Came home to a Pregnant wife (He came home for Christmas in late 1917) and a young daughter, who was conceived right before Joseph left for the fight. He was not pleased.

Joseph was never a pleasant person unlike Sarah Rogers, but he got worse in 29, when the depression hit. Joseph's bank, which both held most of his money and where he worked went bankrupt. It severely hurt the small family. Thankfully the Barnes family helped a little.

Joseph didn't use their 'Help' very well. He turned to the bars for a friend. He would come back late at night, while Sarah was still working, and turn his anger on the kids. Evelyn was 16, Steve was 12. Steve, who was always a weak kid, had bad asthma and couldn't take much of what their father had to offer.

It became Evelyn's job. She would either distract him by speaking up or would lock them into their shared bedroom. She had always been Steve's hero. Maybe that was why she knew him so well. Maybe it was because she needed to.

"I was thinking, we should go to the Stark Convention tonight. It is my last night." Bucky said, Evelyn looked at him and shrugged. She didn't want to deal with having or getting a date or Bucky convincing her to just let him be her date. She shrugged,

"As long as I don't have a date, I'll go," Evelyn shrugged,

"Okay, but I'm getting me and Steve dates, you sure you don't want one?"

"Yes. Yes, Bucky." Evelyn sighed, "Go and find dates, I'll get ready and help clean up Steve," Bucky nodded, and turned to leave but not before patting Steve on the shoulder and silently wishing him good luck,

"Go to the bathroom and wash your face." Evelyn said calmly once Bucky had left and she could see him walking down the street from the window, "You can borrow my makeup if you want to cover the eye thing though it makes you look tough." Steve smiled, not that Evelyn noticed, and left to go to his bedroom.

Evelyn was only four years older than Steve, and though he was legally an adult, he still lived with Evelyn and was treated as almost her son. She ironed and washed his clothes (If they were on good terms), She would cook him dinner and take care of him. Steve didn't know how to live without Evelyn. It's not that he couldn't, he just never had.

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