Chapter Three ❀ Help

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She had lost count of how many missions she had gone on. She had lost count of how many days, months, and years she had been there. She had lost count of how many people she had killed.

She had spent around two years at first just being experimented on. Doctors had spent years trying to make a new powerful soldier. As a result, Evelyn had gained powers. She could control the elements.

Water Manipulation. Evelyn could make it rain or stop raining. If she was low on energy she could take energy and power of waves or high movement forms of liquid.

Earth and Plant Manipulation. She could grow plants and vines that might be able to produce a deadly poison. She could almost speak to nature though not literally.

Fire Manipulation. This type of energy was dangerous for many reasons. It was mostly based on Evelyn's anger and when she got angry her hair would light on fire and her eyes would turn red. But when she used it to fight without anger, it would take a lot out of her. But she could create lightning and fire without anything.

And her personal favorite, Air Manipulation. She could change the density of air and how people move in it. Evelyn could also lift things, almost like telekinesis but it was using air or wind.

Then, there was Evelyn's least favorite of her five 'abilities'. This was mainly because she couldn't control this one. She never aged. It was awful. Agents and trainers would die and it had gotten to a point that everybody that she knew that year was less than half her age.

One day, however long it had been since Evelyn was trained and forced to be who she was now, she was forced to go on another mission. To kill a dangerous SHIELD agent by the name of Clinton Frances Barton.

He went by Clint. His weapon of choice was a bow and arrows (for some reason). Clint had been an agent of SHIELD for about 2 years but was already showing amazing potential. To HYDRA, this was not a good thing. He was a danger. A Danger that Evelyn would take out.

Mission 867. Evelyn lay on her stomach on the top of a building, holding a sniper rifle and pointing it across the street at the opposite roof, as Clint stood there on the phone while smiling happily.

Evelyn hesitated for a moment. And looked at him, looking away from the scope. As she did so, he looked up and spotted her. Again she looked up.

Barton put down his phone and stared down at Evelyn. She sighed and let go of the gun letting it fall on the rooftop. Then she ran. She ran off the roof of the building.

The wind caught her, lifting her back up to the roof that Barton stood on.

"I don't want to hurt you." He said sternly, sounding like a disappointed father.

"I don't want to either"

"The gun and knives say otherwise." Clint eyed her as if sizing her up for a fight.

"I could have killed you 15 minutes ago-"

"Oh, Thank you for sparing me 15 minutes," He rolled his eyes.

"But," Evelyn continued, "I need help." Barton snorted

"Help?" He laughed, "Assassins don't ask for help often."

"I don't want to be an assassin. I just don't have a choice." Clint's smile faded smoothly.

"What do you need me to do?" Clit asked sounding like he was starting a mission

"Can I give you coordinates and can you come to the base? It's small. I promise." Evelyn whispered, pleadingly,

"Is this a trap?" Clint,

"No, I swear."

"I don't know you, I can't trust you and my boss will need a reason to send me and a team."

"My name is Evelyn Rogers. I-I was born in 1914, in 1945 I was kidnapped by what remained of HYDRA and they experimented on me so I don't age anymore. I also can manipulate the elements."

"Wait, Rogers, like.. Steve Rogers? Like Captain America?"

"Yeah, he was my little brother," Evelyn smiled sadly,

"Give me the coordinates,"

"Latitude: 50.89212, Longitude: -100.97521"


"Why do you know that?" Evelyn asked

"Just a guess," Clint grinned, "I'll see what I can get from SHIELD."


It had been a few weeks, and Evelyn had lost hope. She had been 'punished'. She was used to it. The whipping and strong taser shocking, but now they had just sent her to her cell where she quietly resided in the cold corner.

Well, that was until she heard the blaring of an unfamiliar sound. She could only guess it was an alarm for an intruder as she saw guards running down the hallway. Evelyn stood up and rushed to the gate as fast as she could with her legs that had decided not to work right then.

The halls were empty, but still, she stood there with her hands wrapped around the bars of the cell like an inmate who was waiting to be bailed out.

"Evelyn!" Clint's voice echoed down the hall

"She could have been lying to us, maybe this is all just a trap." A female voice said, not sounding happy about being there,

"Why did Fury send you on this mission? All you are going to do is complain." Clint said, getting closer,

"He sent me on this mission because I have better judgment than you," The woman said almost teasingly,

"Help," Evelyn croaked, she hadn't realized that her voice was so weak until she finally spoke. There was a small rush of footsteps and suddenly there were two people standing on the other side of her cell.

Clint was wearing a black SHIELD uniform and had a bow on his back. Next to him stood a beautiful woman. She had short curled bright red hair. She also was wearing a tight black SHIELD uniform with a belt loaded with any weapon you could imagine.

"See?" Clint muttered to the woman as he worked on opening the cell with a key in hand that Evelyn hadn't noticed before. Once the door opened Clint rushed to Evelyn's side and caught her before she fell. "Shit, Evelyn are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm grea- '' Evelyn's eyes fell shut and she fell limp in Clint's arms.


"Yes, Laura, I'll be home tomorrow... Yes. I promise... Oh, She's waking up... alright... love you too... Bye, Laura..." Evelyn opened her eyes and found herself staring at a sadly white ceiling. There was a familiar smell of rubbing alcohol that made Evelyn's nose itch.

"Where am I?" She croaked after turning her head to look at Clint who sat in a chair in the corner.

"SHIELD base. Right now you're in a hospital bed."

"I figured that much." Evelyn grinned a little,

"So, there is a good bit of good news." Clint smiled back at her, "Number one, the HYDRA base was destroyed. HYDRA is gone for good. Number two, you are a free, very old, but still free woman." Both of them laughed,

"It's rude to call a woman old," Evelyn teased, Clint laughed again,

"Aren't you interested in news number three?"

"Oh, very much so."
"Okay, so I was talking to Fury on the phone earlier, and he said that since you aren't a normal circumstance, and since you are considered dead, he bent some rules and got rid of your death certificate and so you are a still alive 95-year-old woman. And you can go and live your life however you like, as long as you don't break any laws or anything. And plus, you're all stitched up, just don't do anything too exotic for about a month and the stitches will disintegrate."

"I'm sorry, did you say disintegrate? Stitches disintegrate?" Evelyn said, suddenly shocked.

"Yes," Clint laughed,

"Wow," Evelyn breathed, "That's so cool,"

"You know, I guess it is," Clint laughed.

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