Chapter Four ❀ Weirdos like us

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(I'm gonna say this now, The weather throughout the story is not gonna be realistic, but more of my dream so a lot of cool rainy days, also this chapter is boring and making me hate the book, so if you hate it to... have fun, but I hope and think it will get more fun)

It had been 5 years since then. Now it was a cool, late September, in Colchester, Essex in 2014. Evelyn got out of America as fast as she humanly could. There were too many memories there.

Some too many people might know her.

And yes, she wasn't technically wanted for anything, and she was technically alive again, but she wanted to live somewhere where she could be away from SHIELD. Somehow that attempt seemed fruitless as she found a tracker on her sweater while on the flight. But now they watched her flight back and forth endlessly.

Evelyn lived in a small house in Colchester, alone, with her cat, Fielix. Fielix was a fairly large fluffy ginger cat. That was Evelyn's only friend.

She worked at a small flower shop just out of the neighborhood she lived in. It was quaint and she was as happy as she could be without her brother. And as far as everyone knew, Evelyn was happy.

She lived without technology in her life just because the idea of being able to be flooded with information and potentially being spied on through something you willingly brought into your house freaked Evelyn out.

She had a turntable, a landline, and a radio but that was the closest thing to modern technology that she owned besides lighting. Otherwise, she still wrote by hand or using a typewriter. Evelyn just thought it seemed more natural.

On one specific rainy Saturday, Evelyn sat at her kitchen table, reading the paper and listening to Falling In Love Again by Marlene Dietrich. She had loved that song growing up, it was nostalgic.

Rain pounded on the windows and occasionally thunder cracked.

Knock knock,

Evelyn's head shot up and she looked at her door. The knocking came again, Evelyn stood up and went to answer the door.
"Hello?" A man stood at the door, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and a brown jacket. He was drenched. "Sweet lord, Clint," Evelyn muttered opening the door for him,

"Thanks, Evelyn," Clint smiled at the woman, He took off his jacket and tossed it on the coat hanger,

"What can I do for you?" Evelyn asked timidly, wondering if she had done anything to get back on SHIELD's radar.

"I'm here on account of work." Clint sighed, and Evelyn panicked. She hadn't broken any laws. She didn't think so at least.

"I did do anything to get on SHIELD's radar, right?"

"Oh, Evelyn," Clint shook his head as if she was a naive little girl "You never got off it, we've known where you were this whole time,"

"Really?" Evelyn's jaw dropped, "How?"

"Fury has eyes everywhere, despite only having one eye," Evelyn chuckled. "He wants everyone who has powers or has the even slightest ability to fuck up the world to move to one location. I'm here to get you,"

"I don't have a choice in this, do I?" Evelyn sighed, Clint shook his head almost sadly

"Sorry Evelyn, I can help you pack. People will come by and get furniture later,"

"Alright," Evelyn sighed again and went upstairs where she got a bag and threw her few clothes in it. When she got back downstairs Clint was looking out the window.

"What's on your mind?" Evelyn asked, making him jump.

"Well, um, about 18 people are moving in. I don't know all of them, because I'm just coming too, but One of them is my best friend. She, to say the least, has a hard time trusting people. I'm just worried she won't have any friends or more will make enemies,"

"I'll try to be her friend. I make no promises since I am already pretty unsocial but I swear I will try my best."

"You will?" Clint asked hopefully

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you so much, Evelyn. You don't know how much better that makes me feel," Clint sighed in relief,

"What's her name?"

"Natasha, Natasha Romanoff,"

(SO I have been writing this chapter for a while. That is my fault. It is on the shorter side but I just wanted to get it out today. On a not-book-related note, you don't have to stick around unless you want some pretty boring insight into my life. It is like 100 degrees where I live and I decided today that I was gonna wear jeans while walking around outside all day.

Yay for me. The other day I watched Captain Marvel for the first time and I will say it is a masterpiece. I know, I just watched the movies my dad's friend said I should but I am going back and watching everything now.

Also, this happens every year but amid summer I get sick of the heart and I dream of the 90s autumn. Right now, what caused this is my falling back into my Harry Potter faze. And I am soon planning on an HP book when this or the Doctor is over.

But as I will say now and say later. I do not agree with J.K. I just grew up with these books and movies and I love them nostalgically.

So yeah, If anybody reads this to the end, comment and let me know how you are doing. I am pretty interested since this summer I have seemed to lock myself away from the world.)

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