Part 6

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The mountain wind was a bit chilly at night.

My jacket wasn't thick enough, and I shivered.

Jiang An draped his parka over my shoulders and scolded, "Didn't I tell you to bring warmer clothes?"

I laughed awkwardly, "Boss, when are we going to sleep? I'm so tired."

He pressed his lips together and said, "Just wait a little longer."

He kept asking me to wait, but I didn't know what we were waiting for.

"Boom—" with a loud sound, a huge firework exploded before my eyes.

Then came the second, and the third.

Fireworks blossomed all over the sky between the mountains.

It seemed as if I saw a million stars.

"Oh my god, someone is setting off fireworks! It's so beautiful. I wonder which rich fool did this, giving us a free show, hahaha!"

Jiang An chuckled, "I did."

"Huh?" I was stunned for a moment, "Boss, I wasn't calling you a rich fool, but why are you setting off fireworks?"

Jiang An suddenly pulled out a rose as if performing a magic trick.

"Lin Wan Yue, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Behind me were fireworks rising and scattering, and in front of me were roses covered in dew.

My brain seemed to have shut down, unable to process this.

"Boss, are you... seriously confessing to me?"

"What else?"

"But boss, I think my current job—"

"Your salary remains the same."

"W-Well, in that case, I guess it's not impossible."

Jiang An sighed, placed the rose in my pocket, held my head, and kissed me.


After becoming Jiang An's girlfriend, I became even more diligent.

When we traveled together, I would go to great lengths to learn how to make any delicious food we encountered and cook it for him.

When we watched movies together, I would note any romantic scenes and recreate them to surprise Jiang An.

Jiang An said to me helplessly, "Why are you so busy like a spinning top? Can't you take a break?"

The TV was playing a dog-blood drama while I was wiping dust off the coffee table with a cloth.

I smiled, "I can't rest, after all, I'm getting paid."

Jiang An hesitated, "How about I stop paying you then?"

I immediately threw the cloth away.

Jiang An said, "In a few days, it's Sister Xing Fan's engagement party. We need to attend."


"Xu Xing Fan."

I remembered, she was his previous arranged marriage partner.

I gossiped, "Oh? Who is she getting engaged to?"

"One of my cousins."

It seemed they were still ending up with a family alliance.

I asked curiously, "What about you? You don't need to go through with the arranged marriage?"

Jiang An flicked my forehead, "What kind of useless questions do you ask?"

I went to the fridge to get a bottle of juice and, when I turned around, I suddenly saw him kneeling on one knee in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I reached out to help him up, "Did you hurt your knee?"

Jiang An, unable to bear it any longer, said, "Lin Wan Yue! I'm proposing! Don't you see the ring in my hand?"


"Achoo—" I sneezed.

Who would have thought that on the night I got proposed to, I would come down with a high fever.

Jiang An clumsily made me ginger soup and seafood porridge.

With tears in my eyes, I ate every bite.

Jiang An gently wiped my face with a towel, "As long as you like it, eat more."

...Why don't you try it yourself?

In my entire life, I had never tasted such awful seafood porridge.

After taking the fever medicine, I went to sleep.

In a daze, I felt a cool sensation on my forehead. It must have been Jiang An applying a cold compress.

Thanks to Jiang An's attentive care, my fever subsided in just one day.

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed.

I walked to the kitchen and found Jiang An stirring a pot of something strange with a wooden spoon.

Curiously, I asked, "What's that?"

Jiang An scooped a small bowl and placed it in front of me, "I made another pot of seafood porridge. If you like it, eat more."

He rested his chin on his hands and asked eagerly, "How does it taste?"

I took a small sip and forced a smile, "Not bad."

He then added another big spoonful to my bowl.

"Eat more, so you can recover faster." 

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