Chapter Three

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When I got back from the dock, I saw a unknown car in the driveway. My eyebrows furred together in confusion. When I sniffed the air it smelt like... Filitarn. The most powerful Alpha in the world. My heart stops and I panic. He is here to start war, isn't he? I race straight to my mansion like house and burst through the door. I hear a few voices coming from my dads office and I put my ear on the door.

"-would be a great Luna for you, Filitarn," I hear my dad say.

Who would be a great Luna?

"Yes, your daughter is very breath taking and I'm not even her mate," I heard a deep voice say.


What is going on?

"Yes, yes indeed," the male voice said.

It must be Filitarn.

I hugged my knees and took deep breaths. My dad wants to take me away from my happiness? Wait. Of course he does, he's been doing that to me all my life. But my mate? Nope, way too far for me.

I walk up the long stair case to my room and lay down on my soft bed. My room isn't like most sixteen year olds room. My room is black and white, but that's just how I am. I don't like fancy things. I'm a plain girl and I'm okay with that.

There's no way on earth that I'm gonna be forced to go with Alpha Filitarn. No one is going to take me from my mate. I packed an old book sack with cloths and my ten thousand dollar savings.


I tiptoed out my room and put my plan into action. I grabbed my bag filled with food, clothes, and a blanket. I quietly walked down stairs and stopped in front of the 'All powerful alpha's'

"Later loser.", I whispered.

He stirred a bit.


I lightly jogged to the backyard and started towards the woods.

"Hey, you!" A deep voice shouted.

Oh no.

I ran into the woods as the leaves crunched after every step I took.

"Stop!" The voice shouted.

I kept running in a sprint. Suddenly I smelled my mates scent.


My plan was already failing.

I run the other way, away from the scent and keep running. It will only be in a matter of time before my father finds out that I ran. In a few moments the foot steps stop and my mates scent is no where around, but I keep running just in case. All of a sudden, a figure runs into me.


We both land on the ground and my head pounding.

"Sorry,"a female voice said.

I turn my head slowly with blurry eyes and saw a girl my age but a bit taller that me.

"Hi," I say groaning from the pain in my head.

"Hey, I'm Annalee," she introduced.

She put out her hand and I took it. I rub the back of my head from the pain. I groan.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers and winces.

"No... It's ok. I'm Larentia, the alphas daughter of the Clearwater pack," I explain... With my pounding head.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she apologizes.

"Not its fine."

"Are you sure?" She questions.

"Yeah," I promised.

I shake her hand, which was really warm.

I heard a howl from the distance.

I got to go," I rushed.

She looked at me with a excited look.

"Can I go too? Please? I'm running away too," she begged.

I nodded and grabbed her arm to the opposite direction I came from.


Me and Annalee ran until dusk in the jungly woods. My jeans were all muddy and dirty, and we both smelled really bad. When we stop, Annalee puts her hands on her knees, panting.

"What a run. Wow, never ran that much in my life," she chuckles tiredly.

"We should rest then," I suggest.

"That would be great," she says while she lowers herself into the grass.

I laugh at how fast she fell asleep.

I wasn't tired from the run because I run every morning of every week.

I dragged Annalee to a shady tree and made her look comfortable. I sat next to her for a while before I passed out too.

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