Section A1: Minor Rules

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All rules and regulations are subject to changes, additions, and eliminations should a formal complaint be submitted and processed. All rules and regulations are subject to the whims of Lord Megatron, regardless of his reasons.

Section A1 aims to outline minor rules and regulations for those working with the Decepticon Justice Division. This is not a handbook for other divisions of the Decepticon empire.

To disobey any of the below statues in section A1 will result in minor punishments. Refer to your commanding officer if you have questions. Rules may be overridden by high-ranking officers should the need arise and as long as they submit a formal letter, detailing their reasons. Above all else, Decepticons should act with the intent to adhere to the concepts of the cause. If you disregard the rules and are not pardoned, you are subject to punishment.


Section A1

Statute 1:

Lord Megatron is never to be questioned by informal means. Any officer who witnesses this is required to remind you of your place through non-fatal assault, or they will be punished in the same manner. Dismemberment and cut/punctured/etc. fluid lines are not allowed.

Statute 2:

You may not leave your post during your shift, regardless of whether or not you have been attacked, injured, or there is a critical emergency nearby. If you wish to leave your post, you must find an adequate replacement or request permission. The punishment is doubled shifts; if you already have doubled shifts, you are to work until you deactivate or lengthen the duration of your punishment according to your commanding officer's wishes.

Statute 3:

Pranks, tricks, and other mischievous acts that do not endanger the mission are prohibited. You may be punished in any manner by those who would be at the other end of your actions. Deactivation, dismemberments, and the wasting of precious fluids are not allowed as punishment.

Statute 4:

Each monitor and technological device that requires a password must be logged out of promptly after use. An individual may not use another individual's passcode or means of identification to access DJD systems. If you fail to adhere, you and the other perpetrator will spend time in solitary. Any interrogation tactic is allowed.

Statute 5:

Prisoners of the DJD who have been labeled as traitors are not to be executed until mental deterioration reaches the final stage. The process by which you get there does not matter. If you claim the deactivation was accidental, it makes no difference. The consequence of giving undeserved mercy is to take the remainder of the deceased traitor's punishment.

Statue 6:

You are not allowed to inflict damage on a prisoner of the DJD without permission. You may be punished according to the whims of the officer who was in charge of that prisoner.

Statute 7:

At all times, there should be at least one person on watch. The number of those on watch should be decided based on the size and technological capacities of the ship or designated area on which your crew is currently stationed. The punishment for this is diminished rank of the commanding officer.

Statute 8:

Violent disputes are allowed so long as they do not endanger the success of the mission or require medical assistance. Failing to keep a violent dispute under control will be punished according to the wishes of the commanding officer. If there are more than one commanding officers between the offending parties, the officer with a higher rank will take charge.


All hail Lord Megatron.

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