Section B: Punishments

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All punishments are subject to changes, additions, and eliminations should a formal complaint be submitted and processed. All punishments are subject to the whims of Lord Megatron, regardless of his reasons.

Section B aims to outline punishments for all members of the Decepticon cause, excluding Lord Megatron. The Decepticon Justice Division will not ask questions if you are accused of guilt by your commanding officer or take responsibility for your physical/mental state should your innocence somehow be proved. The DJD will not hold trials, give apologies, or offer mercy.

To disobey any of the statues in Section A1 or A2 with result in the proper consequences. All cases of prolonged capital punishment or torture of any kind are under the jurisdiction of the DJD. You may have your commanding officer vouch for you should we accuse you of anything, but we will not halt operations until your innocence is proven. Pardons may be offered by officers holding one of the top three ranks in your division. We will not grant you permission to speak with any of them after you have been imprisoned. Avoiding imprisonment will result in charging you with an independant charge of deserting. Above all else, Decepticons should act with the intent to adhere to the concepts of the cause.


Section B

Statute 1:

Any and all complaints regarding Commander Starscream's insubordination are not guaranteed to be replied to. There are a lot. These complaints may not be acted upon unless there is an immediate threat. These complaints do not need to be submitted formally. Complaints about Commander Starscream's behavior may result in the harm of the one who complained by order of Commander Starscream.

Statute 2:

All complaints are to be submitted formally. Complaints may range from suspicions of malicious behavior to witness testimonies of crimes. DJD officers are not permitted to punishment those submit complaints for the sole reason of them submitting the complaint (unless Lord Megatron or Commander Starscream are involved).

Statute 3:

Punishments for crimes outlined in Section A1 are not permitted to hold lethal intent, amputation, severe fluid loss, severe plating damage, sexual harassment, severe optic damage, mobility issues, processor damage, or anything that requires physically interacting with another's spark. These punishments should not require the offender to spend more than thirty minutes in the medbay under average medical conditions. These punishments should not require the medbay to waste important parts or excess fuel due to the severity of the punishment.

Statute 4:

Punishments outlined in Section A2 should not require mercy or restraint.

Statute 5:

Punishments regarding prolonged capital punishment are enabled to use whatever means necessary.

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