Section C: Transfers

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All transfers are subject to rejection and redirection should a formal complaint be submitted and processed. All transfers are subject to the whims of Lord Megatron, regardless of his reasons. Secondary to Lord Megatron, all transfers are also subject to the reasons of Tarn, who has full authority over the DJD.

Section C aims to outline transfer guidelines for those potentially transferring into or out of the Decepticon Justice Division. This is not a handbook for other divisions of the Decepticon empire, but statutes should be kept in mind, as these transfers require the involvement of other divisions.

Refer to your commanding officer if you have questions. Rules may be overridden by high-ranking officers. Requests to transfer by current members of the DJD may be denied with no reason attached. Above all else, Decepticons should act with the intent to adhere to the concepts of the cause. Your placement in the Decepticon empire is imperative to our continued victories over the Autobots. Ensure that you fulfill your duties and remain loyal regardless of your rank or station.

Section C

Interdivisional Forms:

Transfer Form: Type 1

Megatron tells you to move and we move you wherever he wants, no questions asked.

Transfer Form: Type 2

Your request to move to another division. No specific rank or placement waiting for you. No offers. No conjunx endura bonds in the requested division. Your form should include your designation, a description of your frame type, details of your previous positions in the DJD and previous divisions, your rank, your skills, your medical history, and your reason for the request.

Transfer Form: Type 3

Your request to move to another division. There may be a specific rank or place waiting for you, offered to you by an officer in that division. You may have a conjunx endura bond with another Decepticon in this division. Your form should include your designation, a description of your frame type, details of your previous positions in the DJD and previous divisions, your rank, your skills, and your medical history.

Transfer Form: Type 4

The intelligence division has requested you. We won't ask questions because you are replaceable. They do not require an official form because they already know everything about you.

Transfer Form: Type 5

You're exiled. We will document that should you ever be found in Decepticon territory, you will be killed on sight. You will not need to worry about the paperwork.

Transfer Form: Type 6

Another division requests you. Your form should include your designation, a description of your frame type, details of your previous positions in the DJD and previous divisions, your rank, your skills, any bonds you have, and your medical history.

Transfer Form: Type 7

We don't want you. You will be transferred to whichever division is running low on brute force at the moment. Your form will include your designation, a description of your frame type, and your rank will be stripped, but mentioned.

Transfer Form: Type 8

We will stamp a red KIA over your enlistment form.

Transfer Form: Type 9

We don't know what happened to you, but we don't think you deserted. You may be in Autobot prison. You may be laying half-blown up on a moon somewhere. You may have lost your trajectory and you are floating through space somewhere. Autobots may have executed you. Neutrals may have kidnapped you and sold you to the highest bidder. Either way, we are not going to worry about it unless we have reason to believe you deserted, in which case we will hunt you down.

Transfer Form: Type 10

Unique. See details on the form.


All hail Lord Megatron.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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