Section A2: Major Rules

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All rules and regulations are subject to changes, additions, and eliminations should a formal complaint be submitted and processed. All rules and regulations are subject to the whims of Lord Megatron, regardless of his reasons.

Section A2 aims to outline major rules and regulations for those working with the Decepticon Justice Division. This is not a handbook for other divisions of the Decepticon empire.

To disobey any of the below statues in section A2 will result in severe punishments. See Section B for details. Refer to your commanding officer if you have questions. Rules may be overridden by high-ranking officers should the need arise and as long as they submit a formal letter, detailing their reasons. Above all else, Decepticons should act with the intent to adhere to the concepts of the cause. If you disregard the rules and are not pardoned, you are subject to punishment.


Section A2

Statute 1:

Disobeying Lord Megatron's direct or indirect orders is expressly forbidden. The consequence for this will be decided by your commanding officer.

Statute 2:

Officers who recognize their subordinates disobeying the rules outlined in Section A2 must punish their subordinates accordingly. Those who fail to maintain order and enforce these statues will be subject to immediate capital punishment.

Statute 3:

Reporting information of any sort to an Autobot without the permission of an intelligence officer will result in immediate capital punishment.

Statute 4:

Disobeying any commanding officer other than Megatron is double jeopardy. If you prove you can do their job better than them, you may take their rank and punish them for being failures. If you fail to prove that your disobedience was worthwhile, they may subject you to any form of severe punishment, including capital punishment.

Statute 5:

Deserters, spies, traitors, and those participating in any form of mutiny are subject to prolonged capital punishment.


All hail Lord Megatron.

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