Chapter 7

271 13 2

Word Count-2094 words

The next morning is the same routine of making Donna breakfast and leaving it by the room. But this time, right as I'm about to leave the door opens. I hear a pair of feet shuffle out and pick up the tray. I turn around and see Donna with Angie irritated floating next to her.

"I'd like to eat upstairs, in the living room." Donna quietly spoke.

I eagerly nodded my head and grinned, taking the tray from her as we went to the elevator and upstairs. I side-eyed Donna who seemed nervous, but still doing this nonetheless. Excitement flowed everywhere within me. It would be a chance to get to know Donna better and also find out more about the village.

As much as I wanted to solve her mysteries, I also didn't want Ethan to think I was dead.

God knows if he's already filed a missing persons report. Or if he's out looking for me.

Once we make it into the living room I sit across from Donna as she pokes at her breakfast.

"Is something wrong? Do you not like it?" I worriedly ask.

"No it's fine," She clears her throat. "But are you going to eat?"


"...I don't usually eat until later. I don't get very hungry in the mornings." I explain slowly.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Y/N." She says before taking a bite.

She said my name. That's the first time I think she's said it. Why does it sound so nice coming from her?

"Yeah well...I have it a bit later than others. I'm not one for sticking to routines, you know?" I chuckle.

"Could do you some good maid. So you have more energy to do your job." Angie sneers.

"I think I do it well enough. At least well enough for you to lack anything to complain about. Am I not doing my job right, or do you just hate me?" I argue back.

Donna quietly watches as we go back and forth. Chuckling slightly at our insults.

After she's done I clean up and awkwardly sit across from her again in the living room. Now that we were face to face for longer than five minutes it felt weird. Well, maybe it wasn't weird. Maybe I was just nervous in her presence. She did seem like the shy type.

How do bring up where we are? How do I find out? I have to bring it up subtly.

"The scenery is nice here. Much different than back in America that's for sure." I speak up, breaking the silence.

"Hah! Of course, you're an American. I knew you weren't from here but from America?" Angie mocks.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah yeah whatever. It's just that, I don't think this part of Romania is popular. Maybe like a hidden treasure."

"You're right about that," Donna agrees. "This isn't a well-known spot so we never get any tourists. At most, we get a lost traveler but of course Mother Miranda takes care of them."

Donna freezes and her eye widens. I tense up and frown.

Takes care of them?

Before I get to ask a knock at the door interrupts us. I get up to open it with the two following me behind. I open it to an intimidating, authoritative aura. I look up to meet the masked blonde woman from before.

Mother Miranda.

"M...Mother! Mother Miranda...I...Uhm, come in." I stutter and move aside for her to come in.

Irresolute (Donna Beneviento x Fem! reader) *HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now