Chapter 31🌶️

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I moved around as Tess sat before me to prepare the set-up. The exhilarating expectations of this moment electrified my skin. The suspense of tonight gnawing at my insides.

When she tried to peek, I was aware and tried to not smile when I made a humming noise for her to look back down again.

I knew her better than what she knew herself.

She even tried to sway me with a sultry bite to the corner of her lip, but I wouldn't budge. I moved the unsuspicious armchair from the corner into the center of the room in front of my bed.

I pulled her chin up. "Stand up, Tess," I said in a deep growl.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she perused me, my slacks hanging low on my hips. Her eyes trained on the adonis belt as it led to my boxers, and she licked her lips in anticipation, following me as I guided her to the center of the room.

Obeying my commands, she looked for a moment at me, trying to reach out and touch me, before thinking better of it, and clenching her hands into balls at her sides. This was resulting hard for her, not being able to touch me when she wanted to. She sat down in the chair and crossed her legs.

I grinned, crouching down and with firm hands, I grabbed her legs roughly and separated them. "Like this," I ordered in a low tenor. My thumbs reached her inner thigh, and the slight pressure made a soft sound escape from her opened lips.

My hands traveled alongside her calves, kissing her sensitive flesh and leaving a trail of goosebumps in my wake. She jolted when noticing the cold metal against her skin. There were cuffs attached to the legs of the leather cup chair, and the chain jingled when I wrapped the leather bands around her ankles.

Adjusting the straps, I checked if they weren't too tight. I wanted to restrain her in a position, not make the material scratch against her silky skin. I tied Tess to the chair with her legs open, the intensity of the moment rendering us both mute as she took it all in. Her chest rose with her breathing.

"Remember, if you don't feel comfortable or you want me to stop, just say 'papaya'." The moment she would say her safe word, I would stop any ministrations and take a step back.

Tess nodded at my words, giving her the power over me as my submissive. She was the owner of the pleasure I could give her, cutting it off with a snap of her fingers when she wanted to. In the end, she was the one that held control over me.

"Is this okay?" I whispered, needing her confirmation and stroking her face with my knuckles.

I knew this was a novel experience for her, to be rendered completely at my mercy, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't crossing any of her limits.


The air crackled around us with the build-up and sexual chemistry, and I took her hands, licking with the tip of my tongue to the inside of her wrists. Kissing the back of her hands.

The metal of another pair of cuffs quickly replaced the softness of my actions, securing her arms with leather straps to the sides of the chair. It scraped against her skin and I looked up to her to see if I hadn't hurt her.

"It's okay," she muttered. "It's a good burn."

Her arms now dangled from the sides of the chair with a heavy chain around the back that weighed them down. I yanked hard on her restrictions, but they only gave out a bit.

My eyes studied her face, and I answered her unspoken question. "There is an eyelet on the back of the chair that holds the chain into place. If you retreat this hand, you have more room to move with the other one." I stood between her legs after securing her and lowered my face to hers. "I'm going to devour you," I said, and I nipped her lower lip with my teeth while simultaneously pinching one of her hardened nipples.

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