Chapter 4

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My girlfriend and I had decided to make the most out of the little time that we had left.
I felt like the embodiment of the smiley face emoticon, because of how special we were going to make this last month with each other.

After we agreed that it would be okay for me to go, for our future's sake, we had a healthy conversation as to how we would deal with being long distance.

"We should make the effort to call each other, especially at night to talk about how our day went and to say goodnight properly." Priya stated, reasonably.
"Of course, that's a given." I agreed.

I thought for a little while longer, before speaking again.

"If either of us feels neglected, or needs just a little more attention to make up for the distance, we communicate it properly instead of becoming distant or making each other feel bad." I said.
Priya nodded, "That's good, I like that rule."
I smiled, "So do I."

I took a deep breath about the next topic that neither of us really wanted to bring up. The elephant in the room.

"What about intimacy?" Priya spoke, always braver than I was in terms of communication, "Most long distance relationships fail because of the need for physical intimacy. They end up cheating."
"That's true." I mused on her words, "Phone sex?" I said teasingly.

I knew that wouldn't work. As much as Priya could communicate outside of the bedroom, when we were having sex it was relatively...quiet.
There wasn't much talking going on.
We tried having phone sex once or twice, but we couldn't really get into the groove of it.

It made her feel awkward, and her feeling awkward just made me feel awkward. Isn't that awkward?

"I know it's going to be difficult for us to be apart for so long. I know it's going to be difficult for us to not hold and touch each ot-" Priya started speaking, but I engulfed her in a massive bear hug mid-sentence.
"I'm really gonna miss you, baby." I mumbled, burying my face into her chest.
She held me closer. I heard her heartbeat increase. She was just as nervous and afraid as was I.

I was going to an entirely new state, to live in a home that wasn't mine with people that I didn't know. It was scary, and I feared being so lonely despite the digital connection and communication that Priya and I could hold.

I told Priya that I could maybe fly back some weekends. I would have the money to do so, especially with the job. I never did end up flying back though, for any of the weekends.

The same day that I went shopping for Priya's birthday things, was the same day that I had an online interview with the potential client that I'd be working for.

My camera had to be on for the virtual meeting, so I made myself look as presentable as possible.
I would be lying if I said that it didn't feel like my heart was going to pop right out of my mouth. Okay, that's gross.

I checked the time anxiously.
It was 01:56PM. The meeting would be starting in precisely 4 minutes.

I sat with my laptop open. As per the instruction of Ms.Petrov, "You don't call him, he'll call you."

The man with whom I was meeting was Mr.Armani. Luther Armani.
One quick search resulted in me finding that he owned a law firm that specialised in the entertainment industry. He built it from the ground up alongside his wife, Mrs.Armani.
I couldn't even find her first name.

Unfortunately I couldn't find out much about her. Just that she graduated top of her class, was the co-owner of said law firm and was a Law professor in her spare time.
Mr.Armani, on the other hand, was the full time CEO of said law firm and spent a lot of time in the public eye, unlike his wife who liked to keep her life and herself sheltered and private.

I know I'm not exactly a dinosaur hunter but jeez, talk about boring. They were a power couple though, I'll give them that.

But what did that power couple, with years worth of marriage under their belt, have up against a young, gay bitch?
Apparently, nothing.

I took what was his, or rather who was his, and made her mine.

Date Published: 19 June 2024

Really, really quick update :) Just setting the tone for Chapter 5.

With everlasting love,

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