Chapter 5

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Technology and I never saw eye to eye.

I was shitty at using it, and even worse at communicating through it.
I desperately attempted to fix my hair.
I swooped it from side to side, ran my fingers through it...That didn't look right...Shit, Neither did that.

My laptop screen was glaring back at me.

I took the liberty of using some mint breath freshener spray, even though Mr.Armani wouldn't be able to smell my breath from across the country.

As the call notification popped up on my screen, I felt my heart drop.
I knew that I prepared for the interview, but it didn't stop me from feeling like I wanted to crawl into a hole and die instead.

I wasn't in the mood to put on my big girl pants and get it over and done with, but I did it anyway.
I guess that's apart of being an adult. Doing things even when you really, really didn't want to.

I sat with Priya and practiced some questions.
I meditated prior, reminding myself that despite my nerves, I was actually just excited for this new opportunity.

I didn't even smoke.
I wanted to be fully sober for the interaction, even though smoking a wood would have calmed my nerves.

I answered the call and the screen immediately filled up with a circle, the initials N.A in the center.

Shouldn't Mr.Armani's initials be L.A?
My brain felt like it was frozen.

"Hello. I'm speaking to Maxine Walker, Is that correct?" a woman spoke.
I couldn't see her. Still, only the initial filled circle was on the screen.
Her voice was really professional and soft sounding. Her voice sounded like what you would expect a sirens call to sound like.

"Yes, That's correct." I confirmed.
"I am Naya Armani. Mr.Armani's wife. I will be interviewing you today." the woman, Mrs.Armani, spoke.
"Thank you for the opportunity, Mrs.Armani. It's a pleasure to be meeting with you today." I spoke respectfully, ensuring that the words left my mouth at an appropriate pace and that my voice didn't shake.

I could have sworn that I heard the sound of pencil scrawling on paper.
Mother trucker, was she taking notes?
I remembered my prior research.

Mr.Armani was a lawyer. Duh, his woman would be taking notes.

I stopped myself from a taking a deep breath in. I didn't want her to hear that I was nervous.

It felt like a Prey vs Predator moment.
Oh for fucks sakes, with my luck she could probably smell fear too.

"You're welcome, Max. May I call you Max?" her voice was laced with charisma.
"Of course you may, ma'am." I answered, maintaining my composure.
"My husband and I heard about Petrov's Cleaning Services from a mutual friend. He guaranteed that we would not go wrong. Can you back up his claims?" Mrs.Armani spoke in a way that was so business-y, I barely felt capable nor even worthy of responding back.

I thought for a split second, my mind racing with ideas on how to respond before opening my mouth.

"Yes, I can. Petrov's Cleaning Services has maintained a 5 star rating ever since it was first established, 10 years ago. This rating has not faltered once." I said.

I couldn't see her, but it felt like she was nodding.

She spoke, "Interesting."
I gained a bit more confidence, "There is a reason for this rating. There is a reason our company was recommended to you. Our reputation is built upon quality service, on the work of all employees that take pride in what they do. Myself included."

I felt like I was doing good, so I continued.

"I was recommended to you personally by Ms.Petrov because I embody everything that the company stands for. Having been deemed employee of the month 4 times in the span of 2 years, I am confident in my service delivery skills."

As Mrs.Armani responded, she sounded impressed. I think.
"You come across as a very hard working and persuasive person, Max."

Persuasive? That was an odd choice of words, but I chose not to question it.

I continued the conversation, "I am. When you choose to hire me, You'll see that my words ring true." I paused, "If you choose to hire me."
I heard her chuckle at me simmering down my cockiness.

The interview continued and by the time it was time to conclude, I felt more inclined to believe that I had the opportunity on lock.

Mrs.Armani asked me if I had any commitments back home that I would be reluctant to leave behind. Anything that would make me quit halfway through the year.

"No, Mrs.Armani." I lied. "I have no commitments back here."

Date Published: 22 June 2024

I have to properly pace the chapters but damn ya'll I miss writing smut. Also we're already almost at 1k reads? Wtf you guys are crazy, ily ily.

With everlasting love,

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