=Catalyst Agency=

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'Who said I do not like public speaking?! My previous occupation was working in a "conspiracy" firm where we wrote articles and exposed all false statements created by the Politicians. I took up this role to put an end to all the lies and misinformation.'

Founder = Chanoch Amayagda's Father
Purpose = To seek the truth and expose fraudulent government practises
Locations = Yutir and Maghold
Affiliation = Independent

Origin and Purpose: The Catalyst Agency is a conspiracy firm that was run by [[Chanoch Amayagda]] and focused on creating and publishing news stories and conspiracies which "spread the truth" about the injustices of the Days Union Government and just about everyone who would go up against them. An attempt to get into the public light and in power was the Governor Elections after [[Sidian J. Divinis|Sidian Divinis]] assassination. Their goal of Chanoch becoming Governor was quickly stopped though after multiple assassination attempts on the Candidates happened in the day of the Elections.

After Chanoch's death, his brother, Quint, was the one to become in charge of the Agency. Chanoch's childhood best friend, Lamech, also handling a collaboration of the Agency and [[Vorbeckia Institute of Social and Cognitive Psychology|VISP]] regarding a peculiar incident...

Known Agents:
- '''Chanoch Amayagda.''' The son of the Founder and the previous face of the Agency. Well liked by all, which is why his death caused such a disastrous effect for the Agency.

-'''Lamech Ehrlich.''' Childhood best friend of Chanoch and loyal friend. Bodyguard for the Agency.

-'''Kalanit Bellagamba.''' Agent of the Catalyst Agency who seems to have a lot of secret admirers. She is in charge of creating stories and gathering evidence to publish to the public. Has a very fiery and ambitious personality.

-'''Amitai.''' Receptionist of the Maghold office. More reserved and much more judgemental and serious than the rest of his fellow Agents.

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