love the one you're with

183 14 25

S9 E3

Surgeons don't compromise. We defy death. We exceed perfection. We operate for 17 hours straight if we have to. We aren't built to settle. But that doesn't mean we won't.

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Cordelia followed Dr. Torres, quickly grabbing a pair of gloves as Jo and Alex rushed past getting their gowns on.

"I got your text. What do we got?" Alex asked.

"16-year-old kid, fished her out of the sound, sailing accident" Cordelia helped Jo tie her gown, and the group made their way outside, putting on their gloves.

"Why are you following me?" Alex questioned as Jo stood beside him, his tone making Cordelia suppress a laugh.

"I'm your intern for the day"

"Well, hello, intern. You have a name?"

"Jo Wilson"

"Nice. I like chicks with boys' names"

"Karev" Dr. Torres warned. "What? I do. It's hot" Alex said, looking up and suddenly noticing Cordelia. "Oh baby Grey, hey"

"Hi" Cordelia smiled at the nickname, Mark used to call her that.

"Stop sleeping with your coworkers. It ruins them" Dr. Torres continued.

"I slept with you" Alex argued.

"And now I no longer sleep with men"

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"Ok, Emery, we need to examine your leg" Dr. Torres said as she removed the brace from her neck.

Alex pointed at Jo and Cordelia. "You and you, start cutting off the splint so we can see what we've got"

"I can't feel my foot" Emery cried.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Dr. Torres asked.

"Yeah, this massive wave came up, and the mast crushed my leg, and then... And then Pickle just rolled over"


"My boat. God, I can't believe I lost her. Why can't I feel my foot?" Emery continued as Jo and Cordelia cut open the splint.

"Ok, who else was on the boat with you?" Dr. Torres wrote on her clipboard.

"No one. I'm... I'm doing a solo sail from Mexico to Alaska" Cordelia removed the bandage from her foot.

"Oh my god"

"Doppler. Doppler"

"Is that..."

"Her tibia and fibula, I think"

Emery lifted her head, trying to get a look at her leg. "What's wrong?"

"Everything's fine. Just try to stay calm, Ok? Do you know where your parents are?" Dr. Torres asked, looking for a pulse.

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