Chapter 6

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The rest of my week went without a hitch, but also without a single word from Dante. which is annoying because i have so many questions, but also because a small part of me misses him. between being stuck in the house on "bed rest" and constantly walking in on my family's hushed conversations about me im on the brink of insanity. So i call the only one who i know will help.

And now Ana-Lia and I are headed to our favorite cafe that's intown. I leaned my back on the couch exhausted just from telling her everything that's been going on, but she's my best friend and a great listener.
"So what does this mean for you title as Head Huntress?"she continues when she senses I don't completely understand her question, "like what is your dad not gonna let you take over cause of the markings?" I growl at the thought of that.
"He wouldn't dare, especially since I'm the only heir that the clan respects let alone acknowledges as a leader."
"He'll probably make you marry first, seeing as your not a man and all." she finishes her statement as the waitress cones with her caramel machiato with cake pops and my dulche con dulce frappe with 2 two toasted cheese danishes. I take a drink of my fappe to cool myself off and calm myself down. Earlier he had agreed to help me control the clan as I took place as Head Huntress until I found someone to marry but we don'tstart looking for a partner until we're 18 because it's at that age we know and fully understand what our duty is to the clan and our bodies are fully grown and ready to well procreate. But my case is diffrent seeing as im a female, but im just as strong actually stronger than any other hunter. Not to mention i was the only one of my of parents kids to actually have the "Superior dominat gene" as they like to call it. So my case is slightly complicated. I begin lightly banging my head against the wind of, the stress finally getting to me. Ana sighs but smiles as she notices that the others are here. I smile also and greet them.
"Clairy, Letta!" I exclaim as I hug them. We sat there for hours idlenessly chattering about our packs and gow our father were going deligate our positions to us. Then we got to the most important part Ana Lia's coming out ball seeing as she was turning 18 Saturday, all unmated males from the state. And it was taking place this Saturday, I already had my dress and hers picked out. My mom, myself and these girls have everything else covered so I just knew it was going to be amazing.

After a while it's late and we all need to head back home so we bid our good byes and left.
I walked into the house locking the door behind, I slowly made my way upstairs hoping not to wake my parents, I was supposed to be home hours ago but I got slightly distracted by a certian dark haired, green eyed idiot. I saw him broke down on the side of the road and used the excuse that it was my duty as future Head Huntress, or Hunts Master or whatever I was to help him. Cue the eyerolling and gagging. But anyways I stopped to help him even though I know absolutely nothing about trucks so I basically stopped to keep him company and had him the tools he needed while he worked. Well we finally got his truck to start and all was well until I stepped out of the truck only to shoved back in and see Dante giving a warning look to stay absolutely still and quiet.

"What's going on" I whisper as he gets back in the truck, he just shakes his head but I can feel the tension rolling off of him in waves. Just as I'm about to open my mouth and say something else I feel the truck shift under weight. And I shut up and stare wide eyed at Dante but I can't hold back the scream of terror that came out of me as the truck is picked up at thrown across the deserted street into the woods. And that's when I begin to panick the truck is crushing me and it looks like Dante is unconscious. My breath cones out short and ragged as I struggle to lift the truck off of myself. I begin to whimper "Why can't I lift it" I say to myself in a high pitched whispered panic.
"Because your arm is broken and you have glass pretty much sticking out of you here let me help" Dante says from over I quickly except his help as he pulls the truck up enough for me to crawl out and him set the vehicle down as to not obtain the unwanted attention if whatever is attacking us. He picks me up and carries me into the forest where he pulls the glass out of my body and sets my arm so I can properly heal.
"How are you not dead, why aren't you freaking out, how do you know what I am?" I bombarded him with questions. He leaned against a tree and I leaned against one close to but across from him.
"I'm obviously not human, I've seen things like that beast before and I know what you are better than you do" he states simply while checking himself for glass. I quickly crawl over to him and play nurse. It's only fair that I return the favor right.
"Obviously but you're also not were or a vamp so what are you?" I say saving the question that's eating away at my sanity for last.
"I'm nephililm as are you" he says slowly as if giving me time to digest this, he's taken hold of my hands and is staring me in my eyes his heartbeat is steady and he's showing no signs of nervous ticks so I know he's telling the truth, but I can't except it.
"No no no, I'm an Head Huntmasters daughter" I stammer out.
"That is more powerful and stronger than and Hunter should be or ever will be, half the things that you can do a Head Hunter could only dream his tainted blood would allow him the power."
"But how" I whisper my shoulders sagging, I know he's not lying.
"An Angel and a human decided they were in love or reincarnation or.."
"I know how nemphilim are made," I hiss at him, "but how did my parents get me?"
"That's not my story to tell," he says holding up his hands in defence.
"You sure as he'll have been generous with information thus far." I growl he looks up at me with a weird look in this eyes his pupils have grown making his green eyes black with the thinnest rim of green. "What are you doing?" and that is when Dante kissed me and my world exploded.

So now I'm leaning on my room door struggling to breathe and constantly touching my lips where it still tingled from his lips. Trying to figure out whether this whole thing was real or some fucked up fantasy and I just dreamed it all.

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