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Dear Heavenly Father I Pray that this message reaches the right crowd and that whoever shall read it take heed and repent I pray that they have wisdom and understanding and discernment to help them bless the hearts minds and souls that comes across this Warning. AMEN.

This vision occurred from a third-person perspective; I wasn’t present, but I felt like I was there. I didn’t witness myself at all, but all aspects appeared so authentic. I also experienced what another person had gone through: turmoil, timidity, pride, fake faith, and everything negative in the spirit.
This man looked rich; I couldn't see his face, but it was like I was living from a third-person perspective within his body, but he still had full control. He was inside a church. I don't know the day or the name of the church, but he was seated in the middle row of the church. It was an immense space; the seats in this church were long, the borders were brown, and the seats were burgundy. Suddenly, a woman began screaming as she ran for the doors. Soon, everyone tried to flee for the doors, which were push-out double doors with no locks and eight doors.
Every time a door opened, there was this bright white light. The church was filled with so many people. There was so much chaos. I felt what the man was feeling. He didn't know what to do. He was terrified when he finally got the courage to stand up and make a run for it. He looked down the isle, facing the door, about to make a run for it when, unexpectedly, this dark figure that looked human-like blocked the end of the isle. By the doors, people were still trying to make a run for it. Those eight double doors were the only visible exits. The human shape quickly enlarged, and six serpent bodies burst out, devouring people.
Attempting to drag them back inside the church, the screams were so loud that they echoed ten times more than what they would actually sound like. The man witnessed that, and I felt him slowly start to give up and accept defeat. I tried to help him but couldn't because this was his battle to fight. He looked around, and on the far ends of the church, a few shadowy figures were there. I couldn't distinguish if it was a man, a woman, or even a human, but it gave me a horrible feeling that these creatures were not actually humans and were only made to perform pure evil, but in the far corners of the church, this slender, constructed creature was just standing there peacefully, like he planned it.

When the guy looked back at the doors, he spotted a little tiny opening he believed he could make it, but as soon as he took the first step to go, a powerful voice exclaimed, "The DOORS ARE NOW CLOSED FOR AS OF RIGHT NOW YOU ARE NOW BANNED AND WILL SUFFER ETERNALLY YOU HAVE WAITED TOO LONG." The figure of the six-bodied serpent vanished. I immediately felt the fear of this man. His body ran cold, his mouth was dry, and his heart was beating rapidly. I couldn't hear his thoughts, but I understood what he was thinking from his feelings.
His thoughts, based on his feelings, were Oh My. He said, "What have I done? It's too late. What will happen now?" And at that very moment, the dark figure from across the church appeared to be directly behind him. He couldn't see his face, but he appeared pale; he had on a gray suit and tie, and his voice sounded sinister and wealthy. He had a slim build, his hands resembled skeletons but were covered with pale human skin, and his nails were long and pointed. He laughed and said, "I knew you were going to be too afraid to run. You're such a coward; now you're going to rot like the rest of us."
For an instant, he moved aside. So I suppose to give the man time to really process what had happened. The church turned dark during the time the woman screamed and ran for the door. It was difficult to see, but I could have clearly seen what was happening, with the figure with the six snakes bursting out of him emitting smoke and rubble and his body standing there, erect and stable, while the snakes went on the rampage, biting at anything and everyone they could reach, but they were unable to get past those eight double doors.
A few moments passed, and the reality finally settled. The man understood what was going on, and he tried to kill himself, but it didn’t work. He stood up on something high and landed on his head. It just hurt, but he was still awake. He was a bit faint and weak, but he was fully aware. The wicked man returned, looked at the man on the floor, laughed, picked up his phone, and said, "We're going to have so much fun with you." He threw his phone down at him and called a name that was so weird but so demonic that I just knew. He then said, "Hang him up with the others upside down." Finally realizing it was too late, the man conceded defeat.
In summary, I believe this dream is attempting to inform me that there are many bogus prophetic ministries. Preachers and pastors who only participate in church for the money have no interest in the Word of God. Frequently, they only preach about nonsense outside of the church. They do the most vile things that aren't of our Father in Heaven. Some pastors claim to have talked to and seen God, but they haven't, and God sees the truth within their hearts. It's full of pure evil, and they don't preach about our Father in Heaven.
They only say the things that people want to hear, so that’s comforting enough so that they continue with the same lifestyle every day, and then people wonder why they feel so stuck, like they're in a loophole, or like life just hates them for some reason. It's because you don't have Jesus in your life. Without Jesus in your life, I promise you, there will only be chaos, confusion, and fear. I promise you there will only be chaos, confusion, and fear. It literally feels like having bad luck without Jesus in your life.
The devil and his minions only bring turmoil. That's what the devil wants. The devil wants us, the people who still have a chance to be saved, to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and to believe in our hearts that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that he arose from the dead, that he can perform many miracles, and that he can do so much more than we can even fathom.
The devil wants us so blinded by the truth he does things that keeps us comfortable so that we won’t have to turn to God but we can’t be comfortable forever those comfortable things only last for so long and when the time is up for those comfortable things that are placed in front of us it’s back to chaos and confusion and no comfort anywhere people tend to smoke and drink and have lust and having sex with multiple different people doing all of this just to find some type of comfort this is what the devil wants but The Holy Spirit literally gives us dominion over everything so the power lies in our hands to make that choice you just have to choose the right one and fight and change your ways. 
I know it’s not easy having to battle with the pleasures of this world and changing your hearts and minds to focus on Jesus, but we must repent and stray away from the pleasures of this world once Jesus is found and you truly accept him into your heart and trust him to guide you. I promise the veil will be lifted, and you will see the truth and what life really is.
Please, while there is still a chance to do so, REPENT REPENT REPENT and really mean it, and try your best to change for your salvation to be secured.
Our Father in Heaven is begging his children to see him. He wants us to come to him, but he won’t force us to because then it just wouldn’t be right. You have to seek him with your whole heart. Having temporary pleasure is only fun for that short duration of time.
Have eternal pleasure and peace with your literal Creator and Jesus, who is at our Creator's right hand.

‭Isaiah 65:1-7 KJV‬
[1] I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. [2] I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts; [3] a people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; [4] which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels; [5] which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. [6] Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom, [7] your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the LORD, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom.


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