Chapter one

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Her flanks heaved in and out as she ran across the dusty moor, blood dripping from a wound on her neck, he couldn't tell if she were to make it. She kept up her long running strides until her vision blurred, and her legs buckled under her. Her body lay still and unmoving on the dusty ground, she wheezed for breath, " ok! I'm dead now lightkit! " she called over her shoulder, her brother replied, " That was too fast! A REAL warrior wouldn't die so fast!" He hissed. " and she isnt a warrior yet. And YOU'LL never be if you don't grow up to be kind and smart for once! " their mother, heartflutter, meowed sternly. Lightkit looked hurt, " oh come on, I didn't mean it, " she snorted, " you just need to be a bit nicer to your sister." Lightkit sighed, " alright " he rolled his eyes and straightened up. "Do you wanna explore camp,
rosekit? " he meowed, " me too! " treekit padded over to them, eyes as wide as a fly's. " Alright, do WE want to go explore camp? " lightkit looked to his siblings " yes! " they both replied at once, they all padded off to the clearing. "Stay out of trouble, and most of all, stay out of the elders den! " heartflutter called after then with a chuckle, then a sigh. Heart flutter stared after them, " little warriors already, don't they seem? " a cat, another queen, called from the other side of the den, she had a wide smile and an amused expression. " So it seems " heartflutter snorted, but could help a chuckle. Mews of kits could be heard suddenly, cliffglide's kits, firekit and whirlkit, were playing around their mother, mewling as they batted each other over, " got you! Your to easy to beat! " firekit boasted, head high. With a grunt, whirlkit launched his brother off with a strong push of his hind legs. " great job! Your already learning so fast! " cliffglide approved. Whirlkit purred, " oh you-! " firekit lunged at him, they break into a flurry of paws and tails. " kits " the two queens giggled at the same time with a flick of their tails.

Foresight, A name of fall, book 1 Where stories live. Discover now