Chapter two

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LightKit hissed, " you'd better run, fowl fleapelt! " he was hard on her paws, rosekit yowled, " we aren't playing that anymore I thought! " treekit skidded to a halt besides his siblings, gasping for air. Lightkit rolled his eyes and started to head towards the leaders rock. " we aren't going in there, are we? " treekit asked, nervously. " No! Silly, we are just looking. " they pad about the sandy ground before slowing down to peer into the den, the leader, sightstar, tore a wad of moss, probably just being as fidgety as ever, rosekit thought, despite her annoyed but fearful expression. " I know your there. " the kits jumped, " there's a reason they call me sightstar, little ones " she straighten up to look to the kits, " don't worry I won't bite. " she teased, " isn't your mother looking for you? " the kits exchanged glances, " no, we asked her if we could go out. " she nodded, " Well, in that case, come on in, I'll tell you a story " rosekit froze, us? The leader usually only calls kits into their den if their in trouble! She took a step back, sightstar meowed, " Hah! Don't worry, your not in trouble. " rose kit felt puzzled, had he read her mind? She and her siblings walked in, she started with a sigh, " More moons than you can count before your time, there had been other clans, thunderclan, shadowclan, riverclan, and windclan- " treekit meowed loudly, " what happened to them?! " sightstar gave her a look, then continued, " I had belonged to thunderclan, your father to shadow clan, and your mother to thunderclan aswell, it was complicated much, their relationship, as they had been from rival clans previously. But, I had to leave the clans back then, I was still young, just a warrior. I had cats who liked me though, many I guess, so in the full moon, after the gathering, we head off. Far far north, to find the hollow you know as your camp now. " the kits expressions show great interest, " I had taken over to become leader to make this clan here now. " lightkits question must have been a boulder to sightstar, " why did you leave? " sightstar looked wordless, " now, not even the cats whom followed me here know why, why should I let three newborn kits know? " she could tell lightkit kit a nerve, despite her desperate attempts to stay cool, sightstar had snapped. " you are dismissed. " she curled back into her nest. " lightkit tapped his shook sister on the back with his tail, " we should go. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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